
How can I get smushed apple off of wallpaper?

by  |  earlier

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So I was about ready to cut an apple.. and I couldn't cut it so i got really mad cuz I'm hungry. So I threw it at the wall.

I can't get it off!!!! =[




  1. just leave it  throw some cooked spaghetti at it and then frame it and hey presto u have modern art that the Tate gallery would pay a fortune to have .

  2. Throw one at the other side to match it. Then just say the wallpaper came that way. Haha. Problem solved.

  3. Wow, you should leave it there as a reminder to work on controlling your anger.  As you have found, getting angry doesn't accomplish anything and frequently causes more problems.  

    First try washing it off with a dishcloth and plain water, next try a dishsoap and water solution, if that doesn't work try some 409 or Fantastic cleaner, and lastly you could try bleach and water.  Don't scrub too hard and be sure to give it time to dry in between cleanings.  Wallpaper turns a different color when it is wet, so it may look okay if you give it a chance to dry.

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