
How can I get something taken off my credit repport?

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I just recently looked at my credit report and found out I had an outstanding balance of 10 dollars that was sent to a collection agency from comcast. I had no idea this was on there. The crazy part is that I have comcast services right now. So what can I do to get this taken care of and other items like this as well.





    Learn everything about repairing and/or building credit

    call comcast, get them to write a letter. Send it to collection agency and then dispute with credit bureau and send them copy of letter comcast sent you. collection company should fix it with proof from comcast that nothing is owed.

  2. The easiest way to resolve it is to ask Comcast to take it off your report.  If that doesn't work, you can submit a discrepancy report online or in writing to the credit reporting bureau and they will investigate.

  3. You have every right to challenge negative items on your credit reports that are Misleading, Innacurate, Incorrect and Unverifiable! For the $10, call Comcast and ask them to remove this item from your report and how it got these since your a reliable customer. This should get some activity.

    As far as the rest of what is on your reports, well I know you have the right to contest everything that is innacurate. Most people don't even know this, but their credit reports will contain serious errors 76% of the time! EEEEK! To me that is unacceptable and those are fightin' words!

    Take a look at my free website. I challenged my credit reports after an ID theft and subsequent bankruptcy and got all but 2 items out of 11 removed permanently! You don't have to pay anyone for this and you can do this yourself! Those last 2 items are scheduled to come off my credit reports in November now and I won the right to have them removed as well.

  4. Since Comcast doesnt report accounts to the credit bureaus, this item is probably owned by a collection agency who did a skip trace for someone with a similar name.  Dispute the item with the credit bureau as not yours.

    If that doesn't get rid of it, send a certified, return receipt letter to the collection agency requesting validation of the debt to include copies of contracts or other documents proving this debt is yours.  Give them 30 days.  If they fail to validate, send another dispute to the credit bureau with a copy of your validation request, indicating that the collector failed to validate the debt.  

    If they do respond, you will have proof that the debt is not yours and can dispute it with the collector.

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