
How can I get spiders out of my house?

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I hate spiders sooo much, they scare me badly too. I just hate the fact of them being around me. Everytime I see a spider, my heart stops for a moment, and I freak out without even moving. So could somebody tell me if there is something I can do?




  1. Me too!  I answered this query before and you might want to refer to it.  I've used Shcultz's Home Insect killer in the past; spray it around the entire base of your home if your home isn't too large and especially around all downstairs window casings, doors, outdoor vents and where ANY opening exists such as exhaust for clothers dryer, etc.  HOWEVER what I suggested in my prior post and what I'm going to try as soon as they drop is hedgeapples.  I've read that this is very proficient in ridding your home of spiders.  I don't know if the trees are abundant where you live but you can also order hedgeapples online.  They are large green, brain looking "apples" that will decompose eventually into a mess.  You can place them around the perimeter of the house and even inside but I'd put them in a dish of some sort inside as they'll make a mess when they start decomposing. Natural is always better if possible; God knows there is enough pesticides floating around already!

  2. you might try theraphy so you can live more peacefully

  3. You may have someone in your area who sells exotic pets! i would find one that sells GECKO'S!!! The love eating spiders and roaches and they need little maintenance except for some leaves from the tree and some water!

    You may want to check the pipes in your house for condensation as well! Almost all insects are attracted to water and it could be a draw for them! Not only that but if have areas where there is some puddling , you could have something worse breeding ...Mosquitos!!!

  4. u can fumigate ur house

  5. Lizards eat lots of insects.  We've got them all around the outside of our house, and we haven't seen a spider inside.  We've got some spiders around the above-ground pool, but not near the house, and the lizards are all around the house.  I can't tell you how to attract lizards, but I'm thinking that they're the reason we have no spiders inside!  Also, clean any webs immediately, and maybe they'll get the message.

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