
How can I get sponsorships for the money I need to got to France with my French class. I need $3,000!!!?

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For my French class the teacher said we need $3,000 to go to France and said start saving now, but I know there is no way my parents can pay for that so I was wondering if anyone had any ideas of how I should get sponsorships from small / large companies so I can go on the trip next year! I really need help cuz I have always wanted to go to France and I don't want to miss this grea opportunity! So please try to help any little suggestions will help me! Thanks! =]]




  1. Companies always want to know what is in it for them, so start out by figuring out how to answer that question.  Then approach the employers of all your relatives and present your reasons for why they should sponsor you.  Make your presentation brief and professional, but memorable.  If you ask for a relatively small amount of money and demonstrate that you are working at a paying job to help get the money together, then chances are at least some of the companies will help you out.

  2. Get a part time job and use all your money towards the trip, you can EASILY make 3,000 in a year.

  3. If you babysat 4 times a week for 6 months, you'd have enough money to go on the trip =]  Lots of little things like that add up quickly - you'd be surprised.

    Good luck!

  4. when i was 16yo  i did ,the same thing, i needed money to a trip from france to new york, believe me it was wonderfull, but my parents had no money....

    it was a art clas, so we decided to make some christmas cards,  and to print them, after that i sell some to my family, cool, but not much money :(

    But one day at school, there was a big meeting between professors and students parents, and that day , after the college manager made a little speech about us, i was outside with a friend to sell our cards, it was incredible, but after 1 hour i win my trip....and more !

    it was about 4000$ just in an hour !

    one of the best day of my life, after the day i arrived in New York for the first time :)

    hope that's help, sorry for my bad english.

  5. Have you thought about getting a job and earning your way yourself?

    Do you think it might be possible to make $300 a week over the summer?  10 weeks of summer, and you would have the whole thing saved up!  

    I don't know...around here, kids make 10.00/hour easy!  That, minus taxes, and you could be taking home $300 a week.  Or you could wait tables, and make even more!  

    Even if you don't make it all over the summer, you can keep the job part time over the school year, and continue earning.  Even if they can't pay for the whole thing, if you have paid for most of it, the parents will probably be willing to chip in a bit.

    After all, why should you expect some stranger to pay your way on a trip like that?  If some kid walked up to me and asked me to, I'd probably laugh at them, and tell them the same thing...get a job and pay for it yourself!  You aren't ENTITLED to it, it is not REQUIRED.  It's a fun trip, that will mean so much more to you if you actually do something to earn it.

  6. Can't your teacher plan it a little cheaper? A one-week stay can cost as little as $500, so where and when will you be flying from that would cost $2,500?

    I think your trip could cost $2,000 to $ 2,500 for a week including:

    - flight ($600 to $2,000)

    - accomodation + breakfast ($200)

    - meals ($220)

    - local public transportation ($20)

    - visits (a lot of things are free for people under 18)

    - insurance

    Ask her what her plans are and maybe you can suggest cheaper options, such as this place for accomodation and most of your meals :

    Unless she was thinking of day trips outside Paris too, which would indeed cost a little more.

    In the meantime, look for part-time jobs, baby-sit, pet-sit, sell cookies, make and sell season's greetings cards at the end of the year... Good luck!

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