
How can I get summer work in Ibiza or a similar tourist resort as an experienced bartender or club rep etc...

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Have you ever done this? How do you find work? Also how much does accomodation cost there?




  1. I live close to Ibiza most of the guys get the work arund the san Antonio area, they do long hours, some 7 days aweek and you could get lucky and get accomadation with the job. check out this site for more info. B-lucky  

  2. Go there before the season starts and they will be begging you to work.

    I spent years going to Corfu for 5 months each year and getting there before the season starts is the way to do it if you want to choose where you want to work.

    If you are an experienced bartender you wont have a problem getting work anytime in the season , just get a tan dress nice and go tell/show the boss of the bar you want to work at , turnover is quick and you will definitely get work if you are prepared to spent a night asking at all the bars.

    As accommodation goes , its best to just take a tent and camp at first , once you get in with the locals , bar owners and fellow travellers , you will find all the best accommodation possibilities there are.

  3. Pack your case get a flight and just go round bars,clubs & restraunts asking for work. Book some accomodation for yourself before you go.

    best of luck - if it doesn't work out just come home.

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