I am a 24 year old part-time student and have always thought that I might have a learning disability. It takes me much longer to read things, and I feel that I work harder than others to attain my grades. I am always the last person to finish a test. I have to study 24/7 to pass and say everything outloud or I won't remember it. I often transpose letters when reading. My parents and HS teachers consistently refered to me as "stupid" and "unmotivated" for having such poor grades, and didn't think I should go to college, but ruled out having a learning disability b/c I always met the objectives on standardized tests when I was in grade school. My peers tell me I sound rather intelligent and informed when I speak, and are suprised when I say I have had trouble with school my whole life.
Anywho, how would I go about getting tested for disleskia? Can my family doctor do it, or refer me to a specialist? Or should I get tested at school?