
How can I get the basement smell out of vintage doll clothes?

by Guest62161  |  earlier

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I have some handmade vintage doll clothes from the 1940's. Unfortunately they haver been stored in plastic in a basement for many, many years and they really have an odor. I have tried the DIY network and their answer was to spray the fabric with a fabric freshner. A friend told me to bury the doll clothes in kitty litter for a few weeks. I don't have a cat and don't want to buy cat litter to bury fabric in!! I know that bleach will probably eat holes in the fabrics. Can you help?




  1. use a cup in the washer of this household cleaner called fabuloso. I'm not to sure how to spell it, and it has to be the blue one, its works great. It takes the diesel smell out of my heavy equipment operator husbands clothes. And if a cup doesnt work use more it can't hurt them, but it will deffinetly take the smell out .

  2. What about throwing them in the dryer with a bounce sheet?

  3. I would recommend the fabric spray as well. I know a neighbor of mine who used water and vinegar, but depending on the material and aging process, I don't recommend it for you. I say fabreeze it!

  4. Yes, first try soaking them in a solution of baking soda and water - heavy on the baking soda.

    If that doesn't work, try soaking them in a 50/50 solution of peroxide and water.

    If that doesn't work, try soaking them in a mild solution of oxi-clean.

    All three of those products are known for removing odors, as well as stains, and are very gentle on fabrics - they should not remove colors.

    I put them in order from least likely to damage to most likely, but none of them should damage the fabric or cause colors to bleed.

    Good luck!

  5. Hanging them in the sunshine for the afternoon would make them smell wonderful. That is a safe, eco-friendly, fabric friendly and chemical free way of freshening up pretty much anything. Just hang them in the direct sunlight for the day and come back in the evening and smell the wonderful.

  6. try farting over there often

  7. If they are very deligate i would suggest taking them to the dry cleaners!

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