
How can I get the boy whom I love truly?

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I love a boy who (I presume) used to love me previously. I rejected him at that time indirectly saying that I love some one else(which was not true). Now I love him and he is not paying heed to me inspite of being aware of the fact.I think of leaving him now. What should I do?




  1. Honestly.. You wanna know what has always worked for me?

    Isn't it true that if you give a guy a bunch of attention, he ignores you.. But the ones that you ignore, are the ones that fall in love with you! THAT is where I have always gotten the theory that "love" is a game! I know everyones situation is different. Some people meet their "soul mates" get along from the start, and live happily ever after..

    But for others, its not so easy.

    Try just being his friend. Don't flirt, or definitely don't get "clingy!" I think everyone hates that.

    But when you hang out with him, make sure you look cute! That will plant the idea of a relationship, and then when you act as if you are not interested, it will drive him crazy!!

    Before you know it he'll be all over you.  

  2. Now you are thinking of leaving him - just tell me when you got him?

    First you had rejected & then he rejected, nothing wrong in that. You both are right in your own ways. t*t for tat.

    In this whole situation you have to blame yourself. May be you were right in the first place by rejecting his proposal, but now he is not ready. You have to try & that's all you can do. I think by this you'll learn that love is not such a thing that you can get whenever you want. Anyway try if you love him or else forget & move on.

  3. I dont know why you girls do it and act sooooooooooooo confused  .................

    I mean this guy when he approached you you played "Hard to Get" and when he moved on you want him back

    Thats crazy you cannot get someone when it is convinient for you ......

    Maybe he thinks of you as a High Headed stupid girl and thats why he moved on ......

    Anywyas what has happened has happened if you still want him be upfront and tell it to him directly or through a common friend and dont act stupid this time .....

    If he has moved on with another girl or is not interested then better luck next time ....... Dont act stupid the next time a guy who is worth it approaches you again  

  4. search.....................................

  5. well to leave him first off all u should have him and tht u dnt.

    and it happens ...after uve lost something u realize its importance in ur life ,,, but this things happen in every ones life so dnt take it to ur heart.

    and whatever u decide stick to it otherwise ull confuse urself and mind will never be stable.

  6. From personal experience i know that the more difficult the goal, the fonder it is. maybe when you refused his affections the first time, you were able to see more clearly because you were the buyer and he was the seller, maybe you were rightly critical about something in him which you are willing to overlook now because you think he is worth having at the cost of compromising with your likes. my advice - look at it from a third person point of view. if you want to invest in something as precious as love, you absolutely have to do the necessary research. if you find that he is worth your love, you can start off with "creating some demand" for yourself. believe me, being a boy i know that everytime I found that a girl liked me more than i liked her, I thought she wasnt worth having. when he regains his interest in you, maybe you can tell him about your feelings for him , or maybe you will realise that he isnt worth the trouble. anything is possible.  

  7. he's moved on, bc he was rejected. get him one on one and ask him urself. he he says he dooesnt like you, move on. Best of luck!

  8. Hi.Sweety..U shud just go and speak to him the truth that becoz u were not ready for the relationship u lied him...apogise for ur behavior...speak with him politely and just listen to wat he says...just tell him u needed some time to think....Best luck

  9. If you truly love him, it would be hard to simply forget about him and move on, you need to just be yourself and tell him the truth about how you feel. If you lie about who you are or how you feel about him then it would be very difficult to prevent causing any hurt in the future if you do happen to create a future together, so you simply need to be open and honest to him. I think you should make a go of it, the worst thing to do is forget about someone if you truly love them.  

  10. Try talking to him about your feelings. It really depends on how close you are now. it sounds to me as though you should leave it a few weeks and try to gain his trust. he's probably ignoring the fact you love him because you rejected him before. just give him some time to get over it.

  11. by saying i love uuuuuuu

  12. This is your life. You should do what you think is right.

  13. why did you reject him in the first place?

    anyway, you've got no choice but to tell him the truth, that you like him now and you'd better ask him if he feels the same way. then both of you decide your happy ending from there.

    i know it's hard and awkward but it's either this or you spend your whole life asking what would've happened if you actually tried.

    he's probably not responding to your "hints" because he's afraid of getting hurt by the same person again. it's normal.

  14. Forget about it love is strange. When its there both people have to feel it at that moment. Both must feel that spark. If only one feels it then only one is truly giving it there all. He moved on and frankly you must do the same. Sadly you lying to him probably set it in his mind that you aint the one.

  15. My suggestion make you feel like a joke, but try

    say him I was taking a test of you and it's my right to make a fun with you because I love you more than you.

         Just do. because you have already lost a golden chance.

    All the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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