
How can I get the elevator to break down so the repair man will come back?

by  |  earlier

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He was just here doing maintenance. He's so hot it makes my lady parts cry.




  1. hahaha!

    ppush some bottons in so they jam.... make shure ur not in it lol jam it then jump out ! great plan!

  2. close ya legs

  3. pour water all over the buttons =)

  4. Just start ripping wires out.

  5. I have connections in the elevator world and can probably hook you up.  Just tell me your city, state and which company he works for.  I'll track him down for you.  

    Or talk to the maintenance guy in your building.  Chances are good that they have a maintenance contract and he might be assigned to your building.  In which case you just have to find out what times he's assigned to be on-site.

    But if he was there for a special job, you may be SOL.  You would need to sabotage the elevators in a way that would require his services.  Like, if he works in new construction there's nothing much you could do.  But if he does repairs, then just cut a couple of cables and chances are good he'll be back.

    To get at them, you'll need a special elevator key.  It looks much like a Phillips head screwdriver but with erectile issues.  It goes in that little hole at the top of the doors.  Once you get them open, grab your broadsword, have your helper tie the rope around your waist and hold on tightly, then swing away.

    Or wait.  I'm being silly.  Buy yourself a gaudy ring at the dollar store and drop it down the hoistway.  Then call the company he works for and tell them what happened.  Ask if they can send the young man who was there on such and such a date, as he was so very nice and helpful to everyone when he was there.

  6. well..... wow

  7. He won't have a hard time getting up.  

  8. I have no idea...but you made my lady parts cry with wee-wee when i peed myself laughing.

  9. light it on fire

  10. Call him up and say the elevator isn't acting right. When he returns but doesn't find anything wrong, tell him you can show him. Then get on the elevator with him and hit the emergency stop while you are between floors. Then jump him. I'm sure he won't complain.

  11. Accidentally trip with a cup of coffee, tossing it onto the electrical board as you do so.

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