
How can I get the motivation to study?

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I have an exam next week (professional not school) I am 23 and my career depends upon passing it but I just can't seem to get motivated/energised to do it. What do you suggest?




  1. Learning gives you so much power, freedom and automony that you'll want to carry on learning once you start.

    It's SO empowering when you have acquired knowledge.

    Rather than have an opinion, you can have and give an opinion with gained knowledge and feel pride in what you know.

  2. think about the consequences.  what happens if you don't pass it.

    maybe you don't care and maybe that's why you're not motivated.

    maybe it really doesn't matter to you.  maybe you don't really want

    to continue that career.  i suggest thinking about how you will feel and what will happen if you fail.

  3. For motivational help, i found the following blog quite usefull

    just check it out.


    It has Short motivational and inspirational stories

    hope you will also like it

    good luck

  4. well, think, your past school now( am i correct?) all you have to do is pass that, as simple as that. Dont think your whole life depends on it. Think that you simply have an oppurtunity so take it! Motivation, just study 1 1/2 -2 hours(depending upon the level of exam) and you can pass. Also while your studying dont think about what your going to do aftwards, DONT THINK ABOUT IT AT ALL! if you simply concentrate on studying, have quiet slow music (i know half the time i put music on its not slow, IT DOESNT WORK IF ITS NOT SLOW) make sure you have at least 5 writing utensils plenty of paper and all your needed resources! I am sure you will do well. CHOCOLATE? That makes sense, so did you have the same results as before? did it actually help? if so thank you very much!

    Reply back to me if this helped you.

  5. I know how you feel. I always left college work until the last minute. Then flylady entered my life (a yahoo group) and changed my attitude cpmpletely. Flylady is mainly about organisation around the home, and "just doing it", but i applied the same principles to my college work and i am so much more together, happier and organised. Im a mature student as well. Getting started is just the main thing. Set a kitchen timer for 20 minutes, and tell yourself you will revise intensivly for that time. There is no excuse, everyone can squeeze that long into the day. The chanches are that you will study for a bit longer than that anyway once the books are in front of you and you are actually doing it. But if not, it still adds up to a lot over the week.

    Get off the computer right now and get started. Visulise opening your results and failing. You will hate yourself for not making the effort. Good luck with the exam anyway.


  6. Just think of the minimum wage, would you like to that much in one week.

  7. With CHOCOLATE!

    Read a page, eat a chocolate.

    This technique got me 1A*, 6As, 3Bs and 1C at GCSE.


  8. visualise what life will be like if you failed it, that should inspire you

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