
How can I get the people in my apartment complex to recycle?

by  |  earlier

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We have dumpsters for glass, plastic and paper which are located right next to the gargage dumpsters. It seems that less than 10% of the approximately 300 tennants ever bother to separate their recyclables and simply dump everthing into the garbage. Any suggestions?




  1. Don't do posters, everybody hates the person who puts up posters. Don't do it too often, but if you ever see someone not separating recylables (either when you're in their apartment or when they're throwing stuff away), say something like "good God, is it that much trouble to recycle?" in an exasperated manner.

    Then, DO NOT give statistics, or elaborate at all, unless they ask how they should go about starting. Your goal is to make them feel bad about not recycling, not to make them feel like they'r being lectured by a pretentious hippie. The latter would cause them to continue throwing stuff away out of spite.

  2. The first thing you have to understand is  that you don't have the power to make anyone do anything.  However you can make them want to.

    Try this:  have a contest in your building, and start small- just aluminum cans.  Make is a 3, 6,9 or 12 month contest- WHO CAN COLLECT THE MOST CANS BY POUND?

    Make sure one person is willing to collect the cans and take them to a local facility for the Money and will keep track of what each neighbor collects.  Have a poster in a common area to show where everyone stands every month.

    At the end of your contest- have a reward for the top recyclers, and use the rest of the money collected from the cans to have a party for your building so everyone can enjoy the benefit of recycling.  Don't forget to have recycling containers there!

  3. instead of dumpster, trash can, etc, put out a variety of "recycle cans" that are labled: ie paper, cans, glass, plastic, etc.

  4. yeah just put up posters and then tell the causes and have a potition i am worried bout that 2

  5. Let them know that one of the aims of recycling is cost containment.  When rates are increased due to higher costs the building owner will pass that increase on to the tenants as rent increases.

  6. Have a fee for all who dont recycle. Go door to door telling of ur concerns. Just think of it this way, someone will listen to u and every single person u get to recycle helps. Also go to the landlord. Maybe he/she will do something. Good luck

  7. Hunger Strike

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