
How can I get the yellow out of my curtains?

by  |  earlier

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My bathroom and hallway curtains are old and yellowing. (They were also subject to cigarette smoke) I don't have the money to spend on new ones. How can I brighten them up a little?




  1. idk wat 2 tell u?

  2. the yellow will actually come out if they are connected to body heat. so if you rub the curtains against your bare skin the nicotine in the curtains will neutralise.

    good luck!


  3. Well, get like 10 tubes of tooth paste (about half price of new curtains) and rub tooth paste into the curtains, then wash them, should work..he-he...hey, if tooth paste supposed to get rid of that yellowish-brown tobbacco tar off your should whiten you curtains don`t you think?...

  4. If they're washable, try simply washing them with a bleach safe for the fiber.  If they're dyeable, you might consider dyeing them after cleaning them up first.

  5. Some color safe bleach, or as silly as it sounds, oxy clean. I use it on the upholstery of my car. I'm a smoker and the ceiling of my car turns yellow and brown I just squirt some on and 5 minutes later all better! Best of luck on your project!

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