
How can I get these negative thoughts out of my head?

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I get worried a lot. I sometimes get caught up for like 10 minutes where all I can think of are hateful thoughts. Is something wrong with me? I need to stop thinking so negatively! I get caught up thinking angry things, and it's like I can't stop!




  1. gee just wait until you enter the real work world.

  2. Accept the negative thoughts of yourself. If there real or made up. It's important to keep your thoughts else where. Join a club or start a new hobby. Most importantly keep a good bill of health.

  3. Wow!  I totally relate to this.  It's like I'm talking to a version of myself here, cause I have the exact same problem as you do.  Like right now, I'm stressed cause I'm looking for another job, you see, my current job isn't permanent, so I gotta go elsewhere, and yeah, because of that my negative thinking habit is working overtime.  I've been working so hard, like almost nonstop to find another job.  Been getting email responses, but no interviews yet, so it's driving me crazy!  I've been getting rashes, headaches, and stomach problems, it's so bad.  So this is what I'm doing right now hoping that it will calm my nerves and hopefully this will work for you:

    I started a daily journal titled "At Least One Thing..."  This is where I write down at least one thing I did productive for the day, or at least one positive thing.  So, you can try write down at least one positive thing that happened to you everyday.  If you can come up with more than one thing, then that's even better!  And remember, it doesn't matter how small or lame it may seem, the little positive things do add up over time, and you'll have a much better perspective on life.  If negative thinking is difficult for you to control on your own, get professional help.  Best of luck to you.  

  4. At times i have this kind of  thoughts too.What i usually do is i make myself occupied with the things i like to do and concentrate on that  thing  im doing or you can call your fren for a chat about anything and everything and you can try and  pray to god about this problem I'm sure if you have faith in him ,everything will be fine.  

  5. i have these all the time and have for years.  these thoughts will protect you from harm..  there are lots of evil persons everywhere who will destroy you.  you need to keep thinking to protect yourself.

  6. there's nothing wrong with you, you just cannot control your emotions sometimes. see a counsellor / psychologist, they'll help you with anger management (even if it is a mild case of it). my opinion is that you get anxious about things and try to blame other things for it, and that's whats getting you angry. might be wrong though but thats common

  7. I have the same problem. I am a very negative person. What helps for me is finding something in my life that gives me strength and encouragement. For me, personally, what helps is the Bible, friends, family, and counseling. Changes are you will not find a single solution to help you. You can start by finding positive people in your life, going to a church where you have genuine people to encourage you, read positive literature as the Bible, and find something you are excited about as a Hobie to accomplish. When you get hateful thoughts, share with a close friend, read the Bible, recite some verses, exercise, practice yoga, kick box, run until you just want to collapse, sing. Many times, attending with church, the congregation can help you with positive verses that are uplifting that you can say when you have these negative thoughts.  

  8. I'm not sure exactly what kind of thoughts you're having, but I think the best thing you can do is just accept that you have them, that they are merely your thoughts.  A thought is different from an action, and don't stress yourself on it.  It actually sounds like you have a lot of anger/hate issues that need to vent somewhere, I would suggest having a constructive outlet when those thoughts occur.

  9. Well, im in a similar situation. Since I am not feeling great but am feeling better, it is mostly by trying to change my habits. If I want to change the way I think I try to become more aware of that pattern and change it. It doesn't happen overnight or anything. Anyways, dont take my word for it - get a professional opinion.

  10. Thinking negatively is a habit and, like any other habit, can be replaced as long as you become aware that you are thinking negatively.  Because we only think one thought at a time just stop yourself when you become aware that youre being negative and replace the thought with the opposite thought.

  11. You are not alone. There are a lot of us out here who think this way. The trick to it all is identify the problem, (you have) and find a way to make it better, or a solution. Retrain your way of thinking. Stop yourself when your being negative, and think good things about the issue. After a while it works.

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