
How can I get this piece of popcorn out of my throat?

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There is a popcorn shell fragment stuck in my throat (these things are way too sharp) and it's really really irritating. I've tried to knock it out with a lot of methods: swallowing hard, swallowing water really hard, coughing really hard, swallowing food before it's chewed up as much as it normally would be, etc. but nothing is helping. If I don't get it out soon enough, could bigger problems develop, like infections or even tissue growing over the shell and making it stuck for good? Someone please help me get rid of this thing =/




  1. try eating some plain bread, it might remove it...

  2. I assume you are not abstinent if you are eating popcorn; therefore, you can use a tablespoon of honey to help coat the popcorn shell fragment. If this does not work, I suggest you visit your doctor or clinic to have them remove it with tweezers, etc.

    I love popcorn but it's not on any food plan I have followed in the past 6 years of FA. The last time I ate popcorn, illegally that is, I broke a tooth.!

    Good luck to you - and remember, "Nothing tastes as good as abstinence feels".

  3. Eat some peanut butter either alone or put it very thick on some bread.  That should do it.

  4. Ok, I know what you're going through, I once had a piece stuck in my throat for weeks, it sucked. Eventually it dislodged somehow, but it happened again later but I found out how to dislodge it easily. Eat more popcorn. Apparently it's the only thing that can really get to the same place and dislodge it. Trust me, that's your best bet.

  5. I've usually been able to get stuff like that out by eating white bread (or just really soft bread), or sometimes a banana... if it's really bugging you to the point where you can't swallow, go see a doctor about it, but I think usually the body can take care of it within a day or so. Infections are possible, I suppose, but I think it's unlikely as the body usually does what it can to get rid of foreign objects (like small slivers in your fingers...).

  6. I no how you feel and I'm not sure that you can get infections from it but I usually just take a wet tooth brush and reach where it is and scrub or i use my finger nail but It works

    So I hope that helps...

      and it called a popcorn carnal

  7. ok this has happened to me before

    just put ur finger over it and kind of massage it down

    i know it sounds retarded but it helped me

    hope it helps


  8. drink a lot of fluids  

  9. This happens to me every time I eat popcorn. There is no kernel stuck in your throat. Your ugula has been scratched. It makes it feel like something is stuck in there. If you keep trying to get it out you're going to make your throat hurt worse. Ignore the feeling (I know, it's very hard to!) and it should be better by tomorrow. Works for me each time.

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