
How can I get to sleep faster?

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I have a problem that I have to spend like around 2 hours rolling on my bed because I can't fall asleep.

Any help?




  1. yeah me too...but if you dont nap during the day and drinking milk helps...

    reading helps

    and when you just start like thinking try not to think about what you are thinking its hard to explain but like once you start thinking about something just let it keep going and dont change your thoughts once they lead from one thought to another naturally...

    and sometimes people, like me, need a white noise to fall alseep...mine is my fan

  2. Ummm. There are several methods I try to help sleep

    1) Don't Think about anything... Just black...

    2)Imagine theres a big boulder on your back and you can't move, so the only thing you can do is sleep

    3)Take sleeping pills, until you relax. You must be stressed.

  3. Do not exercise, watch tv, drink tea or coffee, eat for at least an hour before bed. Always go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. That should get you into a good sleep cycle

  4. first: get off the comp :P

    ok sooo maybe u could fall asleep to some music

    put ur fav song on out loud but not too loud so u cant sleep and sing along in ur head or whisper and just keep repeating it always helps me :)

  5. here try this site i used to have the same problem as you but with this site i never had them again

    hope it helps and sweet dreams =)

  6. take sleep-eezy.

  7. I don't know your lifestyle but this is common for people who have jobs that make them sit all day and don't go to the gym. Your body is designed to work hard not sit in an office...get to the gym.

    If that aint is take a look at your diet. Watch how late you intake caffine and sugar. Never used to bother me but if I drink coffee 4 hours before bed I will do the same thing.

    if niether of those is it and it is stress. A method that really works but sounds kinda silly is this. When your mind starts racing and thinking about life you need to stop it. When you catch yourself thinking about stressful stuff flick your wrist. Not really to hurt but to get you mentally back on track to sugar plums and dancing bears.

  8. I have this problem, but I found out that it's because I drink a lot of caffeine after around 6 o clock, so I suggest you stick to decaffeinated drinks after around 8 o clock (or just 3-4 hours before you usually go to bed) and there are many meditation techniques that help insomnia. Try googling this, or going on amazon, as they sell meditation CD's that you could listen to before you go to bed. Also, try to just relax after 8 o clock pm, and don't do activities that are too 'awakening', like taking a shower before you go to bed. Hope this helps!

  9. try and do some exercise a few hours before getting ready for bed to wear you out don't do it too close to bed time because it will just make it worse as you will be more stimulated also try a nice hot milky drink before bed it might help relax you more and watch television for a bit until your tired enough to sleep.  

  10. close all your light and don't drink tea after noontime. Tea gets you exited so you can't sleep.

  11. I do the same thing. Now, you need 9 tylenol p.m., 7 benadryl, 2 ambien and a shot of vodka/other liquor. Then you take all the pills and use the alcohol to wash them down. If you can't shoot vodka, try wine. and then you wait for the relaxing comatose sleep you're about to enjoy. and you'll be so sound asleep, you wont remember vomiting or getting your stomache pumped. = ) sweet dreams!

  12. dont eat anything before 5 hours before u sleep.....take warm shower... drink hot sinamon with little honey or littile sugar... wear comfortable clothes.. be sure u dont bother anyone and u dont do anything bad to anyone this day  ....after this ask god to save u from everything like  bad memories or thinkin or  devil then be sure  u will sleep....

  13. melatonin which is a natural chemical your body makes while it sleeps, but do not become dependent as your body would start to relay on the outside source more..

    or for a more naural way, do some alternate nostril deep breathing till you feel relaxed along with a few yoga stretches recommended before bed.    

  14. As someone else said, i read with the lights dim. It makes my eyes sore and tired, and i lie down on the bed and then i cant open my eyes which makes me fall asleep. I do have the same problem though and i'm not very fond of reading :(

  15. When I can't sleep, I drink warm milk or read something...I don't know if it will help, but it works for me.

  16. Alcohol and an antihistamine tablet, it will put you to sleep in about 5 mins and you'll sleep like a baby!

  17. drink a pint of water and listen to some relaxing music.

  18. imagine, sheep or some kind of animal jumping over fences...and count them as they jump over it...hence "counting sheep"

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