
How can I get to sleep when I know that disgusting and horrible nightmares are waiting for me.....?

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I have terrible nightmares every night, I wake up with a soaked pillow and myself hyperventilating almost every morning. It takes at least 30 minutes for me to "right" myself and be able to do what I need to do, I have three kids, so mornings are always busy for me.

I am afraid to go to sleep, what can I do besides taking sleeping aids that knock me out so that I cannot get up in the morning?




  1. Take the time b4 bed meditate and put yourself in a peaceful place b4 trying to go to sleep, or have a hot relaxing bath with lavender oil. Then when you lay down think of they beautiful place you went to when you meditated or take the time to think happy peaceful thoughts and create the place you like in your head as you drift off to sleep, you could also leave a small night light on.

  2. Go see your doctor and i have heard of this drug called hypocil which is a dream suppresent, you have to be really careful with the dosage because if u OD then the damage is irriverable.

  3. warm milk!

  4. Try listening to music. It won't really take away your fear while you're trying to sleep, but once you get to sleep you won't have bad dreams. (If the music is peaceful :p.)

    Good luck

  5. avoid watching scary movies. and watch funny or nice movies before you sleep. that helps me (:

  6. if ur religious- I recommend praying.

    no scary movies before bed time.

    Putting on some soft music before you go to sleep helps me a lot. Putting it on a timed clock for the music is always great too.

  7. HI,

    You didn't say what your dreams are about. Can you go into some detail about them?

  8. Go to any craft store near you and buy a dream-catcher maker kit, after you make it, hang it by your bed and it will catch all of the bad dreams, seriously, I am not even kidding, it worked for me. I haven't had a bad dream since...first grade?

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