
How can I get to sleep while highly caffeinated?

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I don't drink pop very frequently, but when I do, I drink it in high amounts. It's usually caffeinated pop, and that night, I usually have lots of trouble sleeping, which can prove to be unpleasant in the morning. Does anyone have any tips on how to get to sleep while caffeinated?




  1. I don't think there's really a good way.  I think either caffeine affects your body or it doesn't.  I know I can have coffee right before bed and be out in 5 minutes, but my mom will be up all night.

    Best idea - stop drinking's bad for you anyways :)

  2. take a hot bath

    burn some lavender oil/candles

    drink some chamameal tea

    play some quiet soothing music in your room while you're laying in your bed w/ a book/magazine and a small light and your eyes will get tired and you'll start to fall asleep!

    good luck! :)

  3. if you drink alot and still have the day to work it off.. do alot of moving around (exercise, chores). and keep yourself busy all day... then read yourself to sleep. once you stop moving from your busy day and your eyes have to concentrate on the small print of the book you'll be beat!

  4. You can't caffeine keeps you up. Don't drink it.

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