
How can I get to these schools!! please I beg you can u guys help me!!?? :)?

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ok..I have a 3.7 going to be a junior in HS Iwill bring it up to a 4.0 dont worry guys!!

I was woundering what should I do extra to get to Harvard..princton..Upenn...Cornell...Col... university!! please I wanna know what each of these schools want from me...and what I can do more so that I would havea greater more greater chance of geting into one of these schools..




  1. A lot of students who are accepted to those universities have 4.0 GPAs throughout their high school career. Not to dampen your spirits, but it's true. You'll be in competition with many high school valedictorians...and many of those will be rejected.

    Be involved in a few extracurriculars, but don't join every one imaginable. Join a few and make sure you stand out in them! Be president of a club, or excel in your sports. Do volunteer work on the side or hold a part time job after school. Doing these while maintaining a high GPA will make your more noticeable.

    Oh, and write a killer essay when you apply.

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