
How can I get traffic to web site

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I have literally done everything. I have scoured the web and read all I could for free, bought a book on adsense, I change the color so the links are blue, I comment on blogs, messages boards. I anwer yahoo answers, submitted my sites to directories. I wrote an ebook, I added meta tags with keywords. I writing articles and submitting, I started a blog to directories. I even pay for advertising.

I have done everything they tell you to do on the web and made $ 7 dollars with Adsense and $6 with my affiliates and it been over a year and I am frustrated what can I do. my website is

any suggestion on something else I can do, I dont want to pay for it




  1. I found lot of writers submit their most articles in differents topic to get more traffic. So maybe you try like them too.

    Esaul Daris

  2. Hello,

    Search engine optimization (SEO) is your starting point for getting traffic. After all, Google has to "like" your web pages, and people have to be able to find them. All SEO means is making your pages human and Google friendly.

    Your website needs SEO friendly search engines. The first criterion (often overlooked) is to have great content! Your goal is to build traffic. Why would anyone even want to come to your website if there's nothing interesting there to see?

    Your pages need to be built around specific keyword phrases that people use to find sites like yours. How do you know what keyword phrases people use to search? use some keyword tools....

    Another great "free" way to create traffic is to write articles (like the one you're reading) and put them on article directories. Readers see the articles and click through your links to your site. This is a great way to get qualified traffic!

    You have to do some link building process for your websites:

    Link building methods:

    1. Submission to directories

    2. Article Directory Submissions

    3. Blog Comment

    4. Forum Postings

    5. Link exchanges

    Use this process we can get traffic easily....Get lots a traffic to my website...

    There are many ways to optimize the potential of your site in generating traffic.

    This is very little bit information of SEO, If you need for more info how to get traffic to your website easily just go through below link :

    good luck...



  3. The key to getting people to your blog or website is first of all to have really good quality content. You have to be prepared to give away secrets and provide value. In this way, your readers will keep coming back.

    Have you also used the social networking and bookmarking sites. Submitting your site to these will bring in a bit of traffic and create some good backlinks to your site.

    When commenting on blogs try and be the first to leave the comment as this will generate traffic. Also only go to blogs that get a heap of traffic to begin with. You can download a piece of software called Comment Sniper (look it up in google) and it will let you know when your favorite blogs have left a post. It will enable you to get in first to leave a comment.

    Just looking at your blog, it really just looks like a lot of ads. Nothing really of substance here. Try adding some tips and hints. Provide value to the reader.

    And where is your ebook? I would have it on the homepage of both your blog and your website. I would create a sign up page using

    Take a look at my blog here -- - and see how I have set up the ecourse on the top right hand side. That is what you want to do with your ebook. Create something similar so that people sign up. Once you have their emails you can start marketing products to them. BUT you still need to provide value even in your emails to them otherwise if they just get spam they will unsubscribe really quicky.

    Change your focus and start to think what you can do for your readers rather than what your readers can do for you. Get all of those ads off your site and start to provide something worth reading.


  4. My name is Chris Gooding and I definately understand your frustration as I was in the same boat as you with my online business. You are asking for something that you don't want to pay for, well if thats the case your results are going to be the same. If you are serious about exploding your business and the amount of traffic that views your site I would highly recommend these two products.


    I reinvested in my business and saw results within the first couple days. Feel free to email me if you have any questions at

  5. Multiply Your Affiliate Earnings With This Brand New FREE Service! Allows You To Instantly Build Hundreds of Adsense Ready Websites, Each Containing Thousands of Contextual Ads Promoting Your ClickBank, Amazon, PayDotCom Affiliate Links! A Completely Hands Free Income Stream. ==>

  6. here's a good ad service that i've been using for a few months. you pay a one time fee and your ad/message/url is posted everyday for life. i've seen a huge increase in traffic since i've been using them.

  7. try this site for 31 days free should help build up traffic

  8. You can try to advertise at this website.It's free.

  9. Hello there

    Traffic still remains the #1 problem faced by most online business today.

    Article Marketing is a great strategy to generate quality targeted visitors to your website or blog - and its free.

    Have you considered engaging with an internet marketing mentor buddy....without spending a dime in coaching fees

    Check out are many useful free articles about seeking out a mentor to be found there.

    Leo Hanes

  10. I have used to build traffic with some success, the program builds downlines in 18 traffic exchanges plus one of my favorites. Its free to join

    I have also used for free adds

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