
How can I get used to waking up early and being quick in the bathroom?

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I want to be quick in the mornings. I have to wake up at 6:40am everyday for school and on saturday and sunday I have to wake up early to go to tutoring, but I always wake up at 7:30am and I end up being late. I also take like 25 - 30 minutes in the bathroom and the only things I have to do in the bathroom are:

- Brush my teeth

- Cleanse my face

- Change into my uniform/ casual clothes


That is all I have to do in the bathroom and I take so long even when I try to be quick. And after I get out of the bathroom I have to moisturize my face and put my acne cream on my face and that takes me 5 minutes.


So how can I get used to waking up early and being quick in the bathroom?

Any tips or suggestions will be really helpful.

Please help





  1. go to sleep late wake up early that way youll be tired the next day and youll head right to sleep. dunno bout the bathroom but thats a way of getting up early

  2. set a loud alarm for 6:40(like wake the neighbors loud) then take a ten minute cold shower which will wake you up and clean ur face. when u get out get dressed and brush ur teeth. it shouldn't take more then 20 minutes if you use completely cold water. that way you have time for breakfast to

  3. All right, well one thing, make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep, 7 alright, but you'd be better with 8. Also, make sure you're not sleeping awkwardly, that can really affect you.

    Try eating healthier foods, and drinking more water. The hardest thing for the body to do each and every day is waking up. Your body tries so hard to wake up, which is the reason why many people feel so tired after being woken up.

    By eating healthier foods and drinking water, your body will get its protein, and nutrients it needs to help start the day. Carbohydrates are also great, thats were your body gets its energy.

    Also, make sure you don't get too much sleep, which can cause you to be tired when you wake up, do to loss of food, and nutrients.

    Good luck man, I hope this helps ya  

  4. have a couple of alarm clocks well away from your bed so you physically have to get out of bed to turn them off. set them for 10 minutes earlier than you normally would.


  5. Why do you wake so late after your alarm?  If in the morning you don't feel like you have had enough sleep there might be 3 reasons for that.  The common one is that you go to bed too late. Another one is that you may not sleep restfully because you have some troubles that cause you insomnia and/or too many dreams.  The final one is that you may be experiencing sleep apnoe in which you stop breathing and "wake up" without been aware of it.  Check your daily habits first and maybe go and see your GP

    As for the bathroom situation, I can do shower, teeth, dry hair and a light dusting of make-up (I'm a She) in 30 minutes. So maybe you want to start moving faster on that one!

    Good luck mate

  6. Go to bed and get up earlier.

    Its not rocket science


  7. Use an alarm clock and become religious about it. It's all about getting into a routine. Don't' change you schedule on the weekends, that can mess your routine up completely.

  8. try sleeping earlier..

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