
How can I give?

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Ever since I read Bill Clinton's new book "Giving" I want to give. I don't have much money but I want to help people less fortunate than me. Any Ideas?




  1. You can always volunteer threy appreciate your time just as much as money.

  2. thats a noble thought... very few think of giving. give what you can, what you have.. need not be money. could be time, effort, ...

  3. volunter?

  4. Donate your time to a worthy organization.  Get on a board of directors so that you can directly work with that organization.

  5. Go to your local sperm bank and might even be paid for your good deed.....and if you are a female donate your eggs.  Good Luck!!

  6. If you don't have enough money to give, then help out at a homeless shelter. I'm sure the homeless would really appreciate it. Or even help out at a soup kitchen! I'm glad you want to give. ;) most people today are so conceded!

  7. i wouldn't trust that bloke
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