When my ex-bff and I were still friends, I saw her talking with my other ex-bff and they were looking at me and whispering. I also saw them sometimes writing stuff down in a notebook when I was with them during class and passing it back and forth between them. They would never tell me what they were talking about or writing down. This had happened alot throughout the school year. So I got suspicious and when my best friend wasn't looking I took her notebook (I know I shouldn't have, but I really wanted to know! I have really low self esteem and am really shy). Later that night I read it and.. sure enough.. there was a bunch of stuff in there about me. Like how I looked at them alot and stuff and they were making fun of me and saying stuff like I'm mad at them. All this behind my back while I was still best friends with them! Ironically, a couple of weeks later they "got mad at me" (there was no concrete answer, they would never tell me themselves, everyone else would tell me different stuff) and haven't talked to me since then. They have also told alot of people about me who don't even know me and now they all give me dirty looks and talk behind my back. Also, whenever I try to apologize and start over, they all start yelling at me. This was almost 2 years ago. I still have the notebook. I want to give it back to her because lately I've been trying to become a better person overall. Do I give it back to her? If so, how?
Thank you for taking the time to read this long story, and for the advice!