
How can I go about working on being left handed, converting left handed actions/ making my left hand usable?

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I want to be able to use my left hand as a dominate too. I've started playing wii with it as my remote hand, what are some other things. I want to be able to write with it, throw, catch, and dribble with it with out discomfort. What are soom good exercises to use it with?




  1. I've actually done this.  I noticed that action that are typically left handed (like typing on the left section of the keyboard) are as equally awkward when doing it right handed as normal right hand actions are doing left hand.  Technically, there is a dominate part of the body, and you'll never be 100% as good with one side as with the other.  But I figured out if I stopped favoring one side over the other, I could get pretty good with practice.  I can write really well with both hands along with some other tasks.  

    Initially, you'll need to consciously make an effort to use your left hand more, and you'll need to do it often.  Constant practice and you'll see gradual improvements.  I always use my left hand to write (my checklists or make notes) when i'm on the computer, because my right hand is more often than not - using the mouse.  So on a daily basis, my left hand is getting a writing workout.  You may want to start with drills - the same as you did when you first started writing right handed as a kid - until you get comfortable enough to do in daily life.  Other tasks work the same way:  practice, practice, practice.

  2. when dribbling, just use your left hand, try not to switch the ball to your right hand, use drills

  3. Just do everything with your left hand for a while

    Practice makes perfect

  4. Go to the store and by some preschool books.  They will have writing exercises so you can practice on.  Just think about how you started to write, dribble, throw, and catch with your right hand.

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