
How can I go green (eco and health conscious) with raising my infant?

by Guest57382  |  earlier

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How can I go green with raising my infant?

Glass bottles instead of plastic,

organic and petro free baby lotion, soap, etc

organic clothing and bedding,

wood floors in nursery,

cloth diapers.......WHAT ELSE? Thank you for your ideas!




  1. You might want to also go green friendly with your cleaning products...........I use all green friendly cleaning products and can share with you how to obtain them.

    write me at :

  2. Wow, I think that is plenty....

    I sort of feel this 'going green' wave is just a big industry where a LOT of people are making a lot of money on stuff that it takes more energy to make in first place.  If buy an ego friendly car it takes more energy to build that then if you just kept your old car (also the floors in your babies room - leave the one that is there because it takes more energy to build the earth friendly one)

    My thought process is just try to be as natural as possible.  Cloth diapers and using glass is a great start.  Recycle and keep a compost bin and you will be doing your part.  

    We need to get all the rich celebrities to get rid of there 3, 4 air conditioned mansions before they ask us to give ours up.

    Anyway, just my thought.

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