
How can I go green?

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I live in an apartment, so I can't have solar panels, or a garden. And the closet natural food store is 30+ miles away.

I really want to go green, but how? (the cheaper the better!)




  1. the easiest thing to do is recycle, buy those light bulbs, use cold water && little things like that.

  2. Reduce Reuse & Recycle!

    You can also get an indoor compost system. They do get kind of expensive but deffinately worth it. No worms, no bugs, no odor. sells them for $299 or the Bokashi Kitchen Composter from Green Culture sells for about $80, but I'm sure you can find them from other companies too.

    Limit your cell phone use because cell phone signals disorientate bees to where they cannot find their way back to their hives leaving juveniles & the queen unprotected & destined for death.

    When not in use, turn off the juice. Unplug unused appliances.

  3. must be something for you in all this

    how you can help

    respect the animals

    live Healthy

    check the answers under conservation and eco conscious

  4. Lizoo and Billy gave some good ideas.  I'd second those.

    To add a few more:

    Think "vintage" when you need clothing or furniture.  Search out resale shops rather than going right to the mall.

    Line drying may not be possible if your apartment doesn't provide a line, and I have had garments stolen from a line at an apartment complex, so I'd recommend getting a rack you can set up in the tub to hang some things.  Others can be put directly out of the tub onto hangers and left to dry hanging on the shower curtain rod.  If none of those work for you, try the "air dry" on the dryer for light things or things that didn't get completely dry on the rack or hanger.  Even if you can't go totally without the dryer, you'll cut use (and the electric bill) considerably.

    Keep the freezer full.  It takes less energy to keep frozen things frozen than it does to re-cool the air that leaks out every time you open the door.  Fill and freeze small containers with water that you can take out if you buy goods that need the freezer.  (Don't put the water down the drain. If you must discard it, put the ice cubes on the soil in a potted plant, The ice will water the plant slowly as it thaws.

    Turn out lights not in use.  Plug televisions and electronics into power strips, and turn off the strip when the devices are not in use.  This goes for chargers, radios, even hair dryers.

    Open curtains in the daytime to cut the need for lighting.  When it gets dark, take a cue from nature and settle down to sleep.  

    Open windows to take advantage of breezes when you need to cool the house.  When possible, use overhead fans or box fans to circulate air rather than running the air conditioning.  Close curtains in rooms that are getting too warm, if possible.  

    You can install films  on windows that let in light but block heat from entering in warm climates.  

    Maintain your auto if you own one.  Clean air filters and properly inflated tires actually save a lot of gasoline.  Use public transportation when you can.

    On the subject of filters - make sure your refrigerator has adequate clearance so the air circulates behind it.  Clean or replace air filters on air conditioning units and heaters regularly.  It takes a lot more power to suck the air through a dirty filter.

  5. plenty of ways. Go to

  6. 1.walk to places you usually drive to

    2.use energy efficient light bulbs off the water while brushing your teeth

  7. There are several things you can do....

    1. Switched to cfls

    2.Install a low flow shower head.

    3.Install aerators on all faucets.

    4.Barrel your rain,bath, laundry, and dish water to reuse in watering your mini, deck or window garden.


    6.Freecycle your unwanted furniture, clothes, etc. (You can also get things you are in need of with out paying a dime)

    7.Recycle everything possible.

    8.Install ceiling fans in all rooms to cut down on your electric AC usage(a ceiling fan uses 75% less energy than AC)-Take them with you when you move.

    9.Line dry your clothes.

    10.Keep your blinds open during the day to use the outside light rather than electricity.

    11.Buy only what you NEED.

    12.Instead of buying reusable bags; I make them from old clothes-I quilt them and make them sturdy enough to hold up to 25 lbs. each. That way the old clothes are getting a new life, and I didn't contribute to another bag needing to be made from a factory. Just an idea....or buy them for $1 each at wal-mart.

    13. I make curtains, baby bedding, children's bedding, adult bedding, etc. out of recycled clothes.Make what you can from what you have.

    14.Plan your trips rather than back tracking.

    15.Make your own cleaners. I know they sell "green" cleaners, but are they really 100% green? I'd rather save my money & make my own.

    16.We collect aluminum cans, and steel soup cans & turn them in for cash, and recycle the rest. If I can reuse anything, then I do.

    17.Car pool when you can, but walk as much as possible.

    I hope this helps. Take care & God bless.

  8. Do you have a balcony...even if you don't you can still stick a tomato plant in a pot and either put it on your balcony or in a sunny area of your house to grow food. Also Rosemary is a lovely shrub that grows well in pots and you can use it for cooking. Many food plants grow well in pots so when in doubt you can expirment a bit.

    Often in urban area there are community gardens where you can get a small plot of land to take care of and grow some food.

    There are also farms called CSA (community supported agriculture) that is a farm you go and work on and then you get a share of the harvest. For information on that go to

    Also, the closest natural foods market is far away but, is there a farmer's market in the summer close to you. I know in Salt Lake City they have one downtown in the city.

    Other than that...the usual...recycle...use energy efficient light bulbs...try to limit driving or use of gas...when you buy a new appliance make sure it is an Energy star appliance.
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