
How can I go hunting without my parents knowing?

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I'm only 17 and I don't know a lot about hunting but it's something that I think I would enjoy if I were able to experience it. I snuck a bb gun out into our woods and shot it once, but that's the extent of my shooting experience. I don't have a car so I can't sneak out to a gun range or anything. My parents think that wildlife is like Disney says it is, so I can't tell them what I'm doing. I don't think my friends would approve either. What do I do?




  1. find something else to do since no one around u approve of it.if u like it a lot then just keep doing it without anyone knowing

  2. For starters, you will need to attend the hunters education coarse. It can be done online in some states with only having to attend the practical testing portion. If that is not available, then the regular class sessions will have to be attended, as well as the testing and shooting portion.

    You have every right to hunt, but not illegally. If your parents do not allow it, I would wait out the remaining months until you are a legal adult to pursue hunting. As a minor, you will have to have their consent to take the hunters education coarse.

  3. ya know there is no way they r gonna find out eventually, and if u r in a place within city limits and your bb gun qualifies as a firearm then shooting it is illegal also if ur on someone else's land they may not take to kindly to seeing a robin fall on there front porch u need ur hunters safty license to buy a hunting license safety classes r free but if u mant to shoot things legally u need license which for upland game(squirrel, rabbit, pheasant or quail 4 pheasant u need a habitat stamp) if u r wanting dove u will need a completely different license if a wardeen takes a stroll through the woods ur in and u have squirrel in ur pack and no license u got possible jail time if u deside to go the legal route google search the dnr in ur state and look up safety classes in ur area for ur parents not 2 find out u would have to buy any license in cash then it would be a good idea to go on somekind of forum to learn how to dress the animal if u don't want the meat or can't use it then give it to the poor or an animal sheter they always appreciate food now if u kill it and leave it its called want and waste and thats illegal to or u may just tell ur parents and ur friends and they might accept it especially if u take ur friends shootig thats how i got mine into it

  4. Good work. Just tell them you are going to a farm with some mates to go camping. Just don't tell them rifles are involved. When you are 18 you will be so happy. You'll be able to go hunting when every you want and get a c**p load of guns.  

  5. No matter what your parents views are, you should respect them, you don't have to agree with them. This is where constructive discussion with them comes into play... besides, it is EXTREMELY dangerous to use guns or hunt without supervision from a qualified and knowledgeable source (such as a firearms safety instructor.)

  6. Really bad idea.  Not something in which I am willing to aid you.  You may have to wait until you are on your own after college.  As a youngster, I hunted with my grandfather but it wasn't until after college that I was able to start hunting seriously.  You may have to do the same.

  7. Dont sneak out on your parents. Dont lie to them. When youre 18 or better, when you not living with your parents you'll have the freedom to do what you want.

    Then ,join a hunting club.

  8. Well your close to being a legal adult. Wait till then. You can probably find other hunters on online forums and what not and strike up a friendship. Also, you can use a hunting guide who'll teach you everything. There should be plenty of places to get lessons on shooting. Rifles and shotguns that is. Just wait till your 18

  9. Do your parents have any friends, relatives, or clergy that is engaged in hunting, if so get them to convince your parents.* Just make sure you don't do it behind their back, without their consent.*~

  10. You aren't going to be able to get ahold of a firearm without your parent's permission until you are 18.  Even the Boyscouts or 4-H would require a parental permission slip being signed.  Gun Ranges aren't going to rent guns to anyone under the age of 18.

    You have two options.  #1 is wait until college, at which time look for hunting clubs at your school, or barring that, look into the 'forestry' or 'natural resources' section of your college/university.  About 10% of those students are PETA, Greenpeace tree huggers, while the other 90% are kids who grew up in the outdoors whose parents were hunters, fishermen, farmers, ranchers, loggers, game wardens, etc, so they are well grounded, friendly, and pretty often hunters.  Even just getting involved it the woodsy camping aspect will be good, make friends, and you will probably find someone willing to take you hunting.

    #2 be up front with your parents, and request that they take you to a gunrange to do some shooting.  Ask it as a birthday present or something.  If they get all in a tizy state that you are soon going to be an adult, and you need to think for yourself, and it isn't illegal, and is very supervised and safe, so are they afraid of you thinking for youself? If guns are so bad, shouldn't that be determined though your own experience not blindly trusting your parents?  Also tell them, what better place and time than now, where you can do it safely at a gun range with them present, and then they are free to discuss firearms and hunting afterwards...or wait and have you try some friend's "gat" in some dark ally a few years from now.

  11. Here are my ideas;

    1 - Most college campuses will allow firearms on campus as long as they are stored with campus security. Check with the college you want to go to and see what their rules are.

    2 - Volunteer at the local police range

    3 - Volunteer with the local 4-H shooting club, they don't hunt but it will give some knowledge.

    4 - Tell your parents you want to go to a gun range and learn about firearms

    5 - Go take a hunters safety course - you will have to do this anyways

    6 - DON'T LIE to mom and dad, you will just get in more trouble than its worth

    7 - Set up a debate with Mom and Dad.

    Here is how you do it.

    I am doing some research and want your input.

    I want to know the pros and cons on hunting.

    I would like your input in the form of a debate.

    You guys get the No Hunting I will take the Yes hunting side

    Then the next night I will take the No hunting and you take the yes hunting side

    Take notes and listen to what they say, look interested

    this will do a few things

    1 - A teen asking for a parents opinion - God forbid

    2 - He is actually interested in our opinion

    3 - Research, is he ill...

    4 - preps them for the "I decided to support the Parks and Wildlife Department,

    I signed up for a hunters safty class."

    5 - Ask them to take it with you

  12. Wait....don't blow it for yourself........

  13. Visit the NRA website, look for local clubs that are close to you. Also inquire about NRA clubs that are near  your college.  When you turn 18, you can own a long gun with very few restrictions.  Where you store it is another issue.  That is why I suggest a gun club.  You do not mention where you live or what school you you will attend. A BB gun is not a hunting weapon. Do find a gun club near you, learn about the safe handling of all guns. Read some hunting magazines and learn about the sport. The chase is the prime function of the hunt, not the kill.  To learn more about animals and how to stalk them, get a camera and start taking pictures.  Even a camera phone will start to show  the differences about animals.  Your parents will probably approve of hunting with a camera.  A digital and a computer will give very good results.  All of this is to teach you how to stalk and capture (on film)  animals and birds. It takes time to learn to be a hunter that is successful, with a camera there is no closed season.   Good Luck and have fun

  14. My advice, wait a bit.

    You're a 'City Kid', aren't you? Parents who lived in the country

    wouldn't have those 'Disney" ideas.

    It would be a really bad idea to 'sneak about' with your hunting ambition.

    1. You don't, especially as a 'tenderfoot', go off into the woods without

    some-one knowing where you're going, and when to expect you back.

    2. You do need some training in the handling of any fire-arm you get

    your hands on, otherwise you're just begging for trouble.

    You won't be able to hit anything without some practice and

    a 'sight in' session in any case.

    3. To hunt, you need the permission of the land-owner.

    How would you like some stranger wandering around your yard

    with a gun?

    My suggestions:

    You're going off to college.

    Make some hunter friends. They'll likely invite you to visit,

    teach you to use a gun , lend you one, and help you learn to hunt.

  15. Dont lie to your parents, when you get started just tell em. I say wait, go take a hunter safety course and look for a gun range close to your college campus. Also look for people on campus who know how to hunt, and would be willing to go with you and teach you to shoot and hunt. Another thing to think about is perhaps archery. Bowhunting is challenging and rewarding, you get forever on the season. Once you learn a little about guns and shooting, see if you can find a place to hunt small game like squirrels. Dont ever kill anything you dont mean to eat and always be humane and ethical. The camera idea is a good one too. After you get good with a gun and a camera maybe that bunch of guys you found to go hunt with will want to film some of you guys hunts. Its alot of fun to go back and watch the fun times. You might even convert some of those disapproving friends eventually. I have had friends who were opposed to guns and hunting simply because thats what they were told was right. They had no experience whatsoever. You cant convert em all, but the ones you do will be diehard in your corner. They just need to actually experience hunting and shooting with responsible people.

  16. Obviously your having issues with parents who are ignorant as to how wildlife lives.

    My first suggestion is not to lie to them but to educate them on the subject as well as educate yourself.

    Take a hunters education class and any good instructor will teach you the role hunting plays in keeping our forests and wildlife healthy. You shouldn't try to go hunting until you know what your doing or you might get yourself or someone else injured or killed.

    Do some research and I bet you can find a local park in which hunting is not allowed and the animals are overpopulated and starving. Get your parents to go out to the park with you and maybe find yourself a naturalist or park ranger to help you explain to your parents about proper wildlife management and the role it plays in keeping wild animals well fed, healthy and disease free.

    If you do all this work and they still wont listen, wait until your 18. As is you could get yourself in deep trouble should you attain a firearm and hunt without your parents consent.

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