
How can I go out with lots of girls without my parents knowing?

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how can i go out with lots of girls without my parents knowing? my mom always jumps to conclusions and wants to know everything. she even reads all my yearbook comments and want to know who these people are! if she sees one girl beside me she will think shes my gf. and i don't want my dad to find out either

I'm 16




  1. ahhh

    okay i gotcha

    lol sorry i missunderstood

    but um just like..

    you know...umm..


    there really isnt a way to hide things from parents

    they always find out about everything :/

  2. I know how you feel jeez we live in a modern world theres so MANY ways to communicated try texting your parents won't know who your talking to in school and and in lunch not like your parents go to school with you

  3. if your asking this question on yahoo answers obviously your more stupider than the questions makes you out to be...16??GROW UP...its not cute to be a player...and if yu have to ask complete strangers how to manage it your not skilled enough to begin with..LMAO..good one..i needed a laugh..who agrees??

  4. are u saying u are popular with girls cuz i don't think u r so there is no reason to lie

  5. Tell them your g*y!!

    Then 6months down the line.  Tell them you were just confused and now want to try dating lots of girls lol. time your mother asks if the girl beside you is your g/f say she is and be really cocky about it,  have a sense of humor and lighten up about it....its not a bad thing to like girls....soon as you feel good about that....your mum's snooping wont seem so bad!  Fake it till ya make it!  Good luck!

  6. well

    i go otu with guys without my parents knowing

    its not that hard

    dont tell them

    dont mention them

    when she says is this your gf just be like ya right mom

    and thats it

  7. just dont tell them i mean iv had like 7 bfs and 2 gfs lol im Bi no1 knows except my good guyfriend and my ex bf and his bro but i dated him2 lol but ya just dont tell them its simple i do it all the time :)  

  8. have the birds and the bees talk and underestand where they are coming from DUH drum stick

  9. Ask them out and don't tell her...?

  10. LOL! I thought you meant going out with them all at the same time. I was going to say your parents ain't going to be your main concern, if you talking about who going find out.

    My parents are like that too...."Who is this?", "Who is he?", "You know him?", "Blah Blah".

    There is no 100% fool-proof plan to date without letting your parents know. If there was, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be asking on here.... You'll probably already know...

    If you date behind their back, wouldn't that destroy the trust ya'll have?  

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