
How can I go to Zgorzelec from Bogatynia? Is there a passport check between Zgorzelec and Görlitz ?

by Guest67030  |  earlier

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I will be in Bogatynia for a couple of weeks. I know that it is quite a small town and I want to visit other cities as well. It seems like there aren't many direct connections from Bogatynia so I need first to go to Zgorzelec. Moreover I'm really curious if there are passport checks between Görlitz and Zgorzelec




  1. From Bogatynia to Zgorzelec to can go by bus.

    From Zgorzelec to Görlitz trains depart four times a day (8:14; 10:18; 16:14 18:18) taking 6 minutes of travel time. Buses are departing semiannually (minute 03 and 33) taking 17 minutes.

    The are no passport checks at the border between Poland and Germany, since both states belong to the European Union and are members of the Schengen Agreement.

    There are however frequent controls at various locations by the German Bundespolizei to avoid and detect illegal immigration.

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