
How can I handle my braces?

by  |  earlier

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I got braces and now have a bf. See, I hate bad breath, and since I got braces, everytime I eat, I rinse. But here is the thing: I go to my bf's place and we eat there most of the time now. But after eatin', I'd go rinse in the washroom. I don't want food stuck in my braces and look and smell bad, but I don't want to keep on actin' like an idiot goin' to the washroom after I eat. So my questions are:

1) Is this a turn-off for you guys?

2) Any tricks/advice you can give me about this?




  1. Just act like your going to freshen up i the ladies room , i know that's what most women do, and keep a toothbrush and paste in your purse. I have braces, and have had them for a year. Also, if he asks you why you always go to the bathroom after you eat, tell him you like to keep clean, and are washing your hands. OH, AND SINCE YOU HAVE A BF, YOU KISS HIM RIGHT, HOW DO YOu KISS W/BRACES PLEASE, EMAIL ME @ THANKS!!!

  2. buy a little bottle of mouthwash and put it in ur purse or just buy some peppermints or ask ur dentist about it

  3. you wont seem to be acting like an idiot unless you make it weird and obvious that you rush to the washroom right after you eat. Just be casual..going to the washroom is a normal thing everyone does it...The only tricks I know are to be aware of which foods totally goo up your braces..if i remember right bread was one of those foods but tis been a while. Just dont worry.

  4. Well, going to check real quick is  good idea, no harm it making sure there is nothing green stuck in the teeth OR the metal work. Or you could just keep a small mirror in your purse. Grab it and check real quick, then excuse yourself if you need to remove anything.

    However, the food is not what causes bad breath, it's bacteria, and rinsing, especially with plain old water, isn't going to do anything about that. Try sucking on a mint. Just not a chewy kind.

  5. my friend says, " its not rly a turn off to guys, and alot of guys (at least where we are ) are going for ppl with braces, and ask ur dentist for a brush to go behind ur wire to clean , then it wont be as bad" haha hope this helps!!!

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