
How can I has babbys?

by  |  earlier

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that was mean tay : ( i just want to has babbys




  1. Excuse me, but you shouldn't ask that question here. Try asking your parents. They'll help you more, especially your dad. By the look of your question, I'll say your not old enough to ask that here. We'll tell you all when your old enough. I understand your curiosity, but sure thing it is forbidden here. Sorry, but you're forbid to ask that.

    I'll share you something. You'll have to put yours into her's. Now that's all. I don't want to get banned.

  2. Question makes no sense - gramatically or semantically.

  3. Ask God to give you babbies.

  4. Ask your mom or dad to tell you the facts of life.  Say you want to know where babies come from.  If they're too embarrassed to tell you, tell the nurse or health officer at your school that you want to know, and no one at home will tell you.  If you're real young right now, they might put you off, but by the time you reach 7th grade, a school nurse will tell you how to get the facts.

    Having a baby sounds very sweet, like a fairy story, but it's hard work and a big responsibility.  Make sure you learn how to keep from making babies until you're ready to spend the next 18 years of your life raising a child.

  5. how old r u? 8? ask ur mommy or daddy

  6. how can what have who?

  7. Your questions are stupid and un-entertaining.

  8. Sorry, we're keeping it a secret from you.

  9. You came to the right place.  A lot of women on Answers are pregnate or have already had a babby, but first you must go over to men's health and find you some sperm from one of those masterbating men.  I know there's one guy that keeps his sperm frozen in an Arizona Tea bottle.  Good luck!  

  10. What?

  11. with a sheep and a ton of lube

  12. I have no clue what your saying.

  13. when you learn to spell correctly

  14. Bye waiting till your old enouf to know ;)


    And old enouf to spell it :D

  15. you cant even spell BABIES!!!  so i think you need to wait til you are old enough to know about them!

    BTW you have a line going of stupid Qs so you are just trying to see what kind of rude answers you can get!!!;...

  16. Here you go:

  17. Babbies..yes, head on over to the TTC section here at Answers. I'm sure there are lots of willing ladies there who can help you with this. Good luck with your babbies!

    I agree with Syd..I'd find the Arizona tea bottle guy in the men's health section. Those are big bottles..and that should have a lot of babby potential in there.

  18. wewll

    to has babbys

    yuo haf to grwow up and do somfing


    loser 13 year old probably.

  19. i hate koreans
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