
How can I have conversations with people?

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Ok well I usually think of stuff to say like while someone talks to me about something but usually when I talk to people I usually aren't good at starting conversations and I'm worried about that especially when I start a dating and stuff and I wanted a good way to talk to people.

If anyone has any advice let me know. (btw i'm 16 years old)




  1. i have the same problem like its hard to be the one to start the conversation because you dont really know what the person would be interested in talking about and stuff but i mean i guess maybe try thinking of topics that are pretty common not anything too specific that way theres a higher chance that the perosn might be interested in talkibg about like if you are at school or go to school with the person you are trying to talk to try to bring up something about school that you could both talk about. also think of something that would be able to lead into another conversation. i dont know what else because like i said i have this problem. i hope i helped atleast a little bit.

  2. hi, i was looking at your profile

    and i see you put a lot of time into your


    well i think when having a conversation just be yourself

  3. To be a good conversationalist, you have to be a good listener and be truly interested in people. Ask questions, be open-minded, try to be more relaxed about it... agree, but disagree if necessary without sounding arrogant.

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