
How can I have his love when he doesn't love me?

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I have loved a man for 7years when we studied at University. And then we work in a company so I meet him everyday. But he doesn't know I loved him. He thinks that everything I did for him just because we are friends. As I know, he has not loved any woman yet. However, he doesn't love me.

I wonder I should tell him what my feeling is. I'm afraid that if he knows, we cannot be friends any more.

What should I do now?




  1. Tell him! And I doubt it that you'll lose a friendship.  

  2. since u have known him for 7 years, i think its time you told him. it shouldnt ruin your friendship or anything like that. and you are a female right? because if not, you should make sure he goes that way first.

  3. I think that if you feel the time is right you should tell him your feelings....

    However, he won't take it lightly.  Men are kinda like springs, hes gonna push away from you but he will bounce back.  Hopefully he'll be interested in you too, and of course if hes a friend from the start hes not gonna have a problem continuing the friendship...Most guys I know just befriend a girl to ask her out, but with this situation its the complete opposite...


    Honestly don't hide from your feelings any longer:)

  4. Well, u should convey your feelings, and if he turns u down, agree to be just friends, trust me, love cant be created or destroyed, u can just pray that he starts liking u someday somehow... and yes, if u can make him miss u by staying away from him, it may make him realise that he loves u. But yeah, whatever decision he makes, u have to accept it :)  

  5. i know how u feel, i think u should tell him and see what hes going to do, if he says no just say it was a big joke or dare and start laughing and stuff!! so he knows that u'r not seroius (but inside u will feel very bad that he said no!!!

    good luck!!

  6. its not that easy to earn love back..

    and is sad for some people that try everything to earn love.

    so my advice to you is to just tell him what you feel about him..

    it really sounds like "your in love"..  

    and no one can ignore this feeling, so i'd say go for it, maybe he might feel the same way..

    you never know, and if he knows that you like him and you think it might break your friendship, then you know what he's not worth anything..

    if he doesnt want to be friends with you then he's not a true friend.

    only true friends stay and last no matter what..

    i hope everything works out well, i hope this helps..

  7. babez derz no prob wid lovn sum1 u meet 4 a very long tyme.....nn iif he never loved sum1 b4 derz a chance. I noe how u feel I felt dat feeling b4. Just talk to him tell him how u feel b4 sum1 else doez so listn to your heart.And I noe he is not gona saii lets just b friends cuz ya new each otha 4 at very long tyme! he'll prob feel da same way noeing he nevat loved b4.

  8. just tell him maybe he just sees u as a friend nd never thought about being in love with u he hasnt realized or maybe he feels the same way

  9. Don't tell him you love him off the bat (which i doubt you would do anyways)... I would slowly progress, maybe invite him on a date? Go for a walk, go somewhere romantic where he can get an image that you like him. If things start to go good and you start dating him and so forth, then i would tell him.. I'm no love dr. :D

  10. wow.. 7 years is a long time. you should tell him how you feel. maybe you'll end up together.

  11. First explore a little bit more about his feelings.Try to find out if he has feelings for girls or he doesn't.

    If he likes girls ask him when you'll get a chance How he imagine his girlfriend to look.What will be the answer you'll know if he has something close with you or he don't.Then ask him openly if he will go out on a date with a girl like you? If he answer YES than you tell him that he has a Date and were and when.If he answer NO than you choose if you can control your feelings or you should stop being  friend to him.

  12. Tell him how you feel or you'll never know how he feels. Don't get trapped in your own mind.

  13. I recommend that you tell him straight in simple words that you have liked/loved him for all those 7 years of your life that you have known him. And after this much time, you would like to see more with him. And be ready to give him some time to start thinking that way if he hasn't yet. If he agrees eventually, you are in luck. Also tell him, that if his answer is a NO, you want him to say that he will think about it. While asking him to say that, explain why you want him to say it. tell him that you want to keep thinking that he might say yes, so if wants to say no, just dodge it.

    This way, atleast you will feel content and be satisfied in your mind that you tried. and he wasnt never meant to be with you. It will give you a mental satisfaction and will help you get over him.

    Also my friend recommended, that you forget him and watch Meg Ryan's movies.... LOL...


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