
How can I have low total cholesterol and high triglycerides?

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I already follow a very healthy diet and exercise regularly. How is it that my triglycerides are high? Is this just hereditary or is there something I can do specifically for this? Thanks a lot...




  1. Cholesterol is a form of lipid that controls the fluidity of cell membranes. The two biggest determinants of cholesterol are heredity and saturated fat in the diet.

    Trigylcerides are a form of storing energy as a lipid. High carbohydrates like alcohol, sugars, grains will raise triglycerides. Poorly controlled diabetes will also increase triglycerides. Exercise actually doesn't change triglycerides that much. I would cut down on alcohol and simple sugars and stick with complex carbs like whole grains. Omega 3 fatty acid supplements (at least 3 grams per day) will also lower trigylcerides.

    You can see a dietitian for more personalized advice.

  2. Cholesterol and tryglycerides are two different things. Tryglycerides are fat in the blood (I think). You can have a high or low cholesterol count with a high or low tryglyceride count. It may be hereditary. But you should avoid foods like burgers, ice cream, pizza and anything else with a lot of fat. Talk to your doctor.

  3. that is a rare occurance because most laboratories divide triglycerides by 5 to calculate the VLDL. The HDL and the LDL is measured and added to VLDL for total cholesterol.

    If VLDL is high and total is low, then LDL and HDL would also have to be low. I'd get it checked again, and if results are verified, ask your physician to order a liver panel.

  4. Your body (liver) does not make a lot of cholesterol, you do not eat highly fatty foods or meat, but you like your carbohydrates and sweets.

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