
How can I have my novel published?

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I am about to finish writing a novel and I was wondering how I could get it published by a publisher, without having to pay for it myself.




  1. The best thing you can do is to consult your National Youth Council and inform them about your novel and they will help you with the publisihing and marketing for you. This is because you have come up with a very good thing that "educates"  

  2. You do NOT need an agent. Now is when you have to do two things.

    1. You have to edit the book until it is as good as you can make it. Do not listen when people say an editor will do that. It will never get acquired by a publisher if it is full of mistakes.

    2. You have to do your research and find out which publishers are putting out the kinds of materials you have written, and this is tricky because trends have beenknown to change over a period of six months. What is selling right now might not be selling in January.

    You will need to study the submission guidelines and when you are confident you have a great and cleanly edited manuscript ready, you submit it to the publishing house.

    You also need to be learning how to market and promote your book. It is a myth that the publishing house will do this for you. Pretty much, they give you a book and expect you to go out and make it sell. Remember, they are working with thousands of authors and do not have time to hold any one author's hand.

    You can learn all of this on the Internet. There is so much information at the tip of your fingers.

    The key is to not rely on anyone else to do it for you. They won't. It's your book and it's your job. Trust me, I've had 8 romance novels published and no one did it for me.

    Karen Syed

  3. you need an agent first.

    These websites will give you names of agents dealing with certain genres.

    For every agent you need to write a sensational letter and their guidelines will be posted on their websites.

    best of luck!

  4. Hand it to someone who can afford!!!!!!!!!

  5. What LIZZY said, and if that fails, you can publish it on IF you want to hand it out to family and friends...

  6. Well... you can find various websites, who if you pay a small amount of money will publish the amount of books you want- however this doesn't mean it will make it to the shelves.

    To publish it find websites, find popular publishers and write to them and inform them of what you want (on their website they should have contact details for you) Then you send them your book via mail or email, and if they like it they should write back to inform you, if not then they will write to you to explain why its not up to standards and how you could improve it.

    So now all you can really do is search for publishers websites, and contact details.

    Good luck!

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