
How can I help Cheerleading Safer?

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I am a cheerleader, and yesterday I saw this program on THS, and it was about the dangers of cheerleading. I didnt think it was that harsh ya know? It also said that teams have injury saftey things that help prevent the injuries. So what can I do to help? Me and my friends really want to help, and make sure that less people are getting hurt, because of the saftey vests, and arm braces, and everything else. So what do I do to earn money? Please help.... Thanx! ☺




  1. Calm down. There is inherent danger in almost everything you do. More teenagers are hurt in car wrecks than in cheer leading. More football injuries occur than cheer leading injuries.  There are dangers everywhere but we can't let them make us neurotic.

  2. have them sign a petition and make your own pep rally with your teammates where people come and donate some money

  3. Dear Hailee,

    I suggest that you go and have a fundraiser and maybe on a saturday you could wash cars for maybe 5$ per car!!!! And you could have different games like booths!!!

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