
How can I help Global Warming and the extinction of animals?

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I already Recycle

Send money to the wildlife foundation

Pick up litter

What else can I do?




  1. you can equip your house to use reusable energy rather then use what comes with the house such as get a winder generator or get a solar panels to power your house during the day it would help other then voulnteering time at a center that helps get animals back to health to be put back in the wilderness maybe clean up the beachs or even teach your children and freinds the importance of it all half the power of helping teaching and living with it in your heart so that you live like that always and when people see how happy you really ar ethey may wish to live the same way you do now

  2. nothing

  3. America's "Inconvenient Fraud" - he's the environmental activist whose 20-room mansion and pool house devour nearly 221,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity a year - more than 20 times the national average.

    His name - Al Gore, the Academy-Award winning producer of the pro-global warming fraud, "An Inconvenient Truth."

  4. Vote for The Green Party. Get countries to sign non prolif treaties on cars which run on gas and dismantle in major cities get replaced with electric cars  which are there as a result of Government subsidies

  5. You're doing a great deal already, so be proud of yourself and keep it up!

    Little things you do can make difference the same as the big things. My advice would be to get really clued up on renewable energy resources and how the things you do can effect the environment. For example, did you know something as seemingly harmless as soap is proving to be a massive problem to the environment? The rainforests are being chopped down and orangutans are becoming extinct because in some parts of the world they are clearing space to grow trees that produce palm oil- a main constituent of soap. Solution? Look for palm free soap alternatives! ( do mostly palm oil free soaps). What about other little things, like when you boil the kettle, only boil what you need rather than a kettle full- saves you time, money and energy! Reuse carrier bags. Use eco- friendly household products, or make your own out of thinks like olive oil, beeswax, bicarb of soda and lemon juice, recycle clothing, don't buy over packaged products.... It's all little, easy things! They make a real difference!

    Also, become a vegetarian. There's no excuse not to with all the wonderful meat free alternatives about these days. There are so many ecological reasons, as well as the obvious 'it's kind to animals' ones! I don't wish to go on about it now, but look it up on There's loads of really strong arguments for it. People really have no idea how beneficial it is.

    It's good that you're already doing things to help, but if you look around the internet or magazines, you'll find loads of little tips on how to do your bit for the environment, which in turn helps to protect vulnerable species of animals :o)

  6. Send money to Al Gore

  7. ummm ur doing good when it comes to the extinction, but global warming is flase....idc what ppl say u need to look at the facts...the global temperature has actually dropped in the past decade!!!!

  8. Again---Create a non-profit organization begin recycling on a greater scale like a community recycle drive, could even be getting together with your community refuse company and begin a recycling junk campaign, where they allow drop off of peoples junk two to four times a year to get rid of peoples clutter and things that need not continue to lye around taking up space in peoples minds and homes! Things like that can be adjusted for almost anything disposable...think about it or join one of these types of organizations already out there and run with this notion of getting involved. I remember when I did a senior level Composition Essay/project in High School on global warming, I conducted a survey of 100 students in 1989 and found that there were so many divergent notions about the topic back then, and today your generation is a great deal more aware of the issue so go at it and I say don't stop until your through, or die! Good job, keep it up and keep it going full scale...maybe you might want to go into a career on how to save the planet and who knows if you make it your life's passion you could have a far reaching effect even further than you could have imagined! Best of luck to you...


    BTW stop recycling this question, lol j/k!

  9. One of the best ways to help both animals and the environment is to stop consuming animal products. Besides the cruelty factor of animals suffering and being tortured while dying for food, animal agribusiness contributes more to global warming that most other industries. Animal waste pollutes our water, methane pollutes our atmosphere and immigrants who work in slaughterhouses have horrible working conditions.

    Do some research for yourself and make the decision on your own but seriously consider it. Vegetarianism is the best thing for the planet, for animals, for other people and for your own health.

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