
How can I help her out of this?

by  |  earlier

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So....there's this girl who I've been friends with for years. I've liked her off and on for a VERY long time now, but I'm trying not to let that get in the way of things. Anyways, she's sort of in a relationship (I say sort of because she always denies it, and they more hang out than anything) whose way too old for her. Since she's started dating this guy, she's slowly been alienating herself from her friends and family and going to him.

He's a bad influence, and she admits that. He's encouraged her to lie to her parents, and gotten her to do things that she'd otherwise not do. Thankfully, he's now away at college and can only be around her through the phone.

She says she wants out of it, but she can't help liking him. It's like an addiction.

Like I said, I'm trying not to let my feelings get in the way.

How can I get my sweet little girl back?




  1. It's good that you're trying to set aside your feelings. That's a good start.

    Clearly he is not a good influence, and even she wants out of it. Remind her that liking a person does not necessarily mean they should be together. She needs to take a minute and make the best decision for her life. It will hurt her a lot, but you can help her through it. You should discourage this relationship, remind her that there are other fish in the sea, and tell her that you're very worried about the person she might become if she continues seeing this guy.

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