
How can I help my 15 year old son to find friends?

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He is bright, handsome and cool and those who don't really know him can't see that there is something wrong but he has got no best friends anymore (he changed his school 2 years ago, he used to have one, but now they don't see each other often) he doesn't have a girl friend, he doesn't have a group that he hangs together, he seems not to mind but I can feel that he does, and he is on the compuıter or he's playing playstation all the time




  1. Maybe suggest a club or something...or just leave him alone. He's probably just going through a phase where he likes hanging out with himself and having plenty of space. High school is tough...maybe flying solo is easier for him at the moment.

  2. It has been 2 years since he has been in the new school? Well, I would suggest you get him into clubs or school sports.That way he will meet new friends and get into other activities.Not having a girlfriend maybe a good thing. How are his grades? And, does he say he gets tease  or feels left out in school. I mean, even the loneliest kid in school has a friend or two. He could be a that age where he just doesn't want you to know much about he life.     Teens are funny creatures.

  3. get him in some clubs or sports

  4. call up someone in his class to hang out with him after school, or if they dont want to then pay them too NO JK.

    make him join some clubs like basketball,drama,guitar class.etc.

  5. meet up with YOUR friends who have children his age. talk to his teacher. explain to him/her that your child isnt really participating in anything and that if he/she wouldn't mind, he/she would help encourage your son to join more activities by pairing him up with someone who is friendly.

    hope that helped

  6. Have him join a school club or two, and/or play a sport.

  7. i think you should just leave it alone..i am a teen and i hate it when my mom tries to fix everything..i mean offer some things too him..clubs..groups..things like that...if you go to church get him in youth..alot of teens go to youth at my church and i am always meeting new people..try that.

  8. Tie a couple of sausages around his neck and take him to a park where people walk their dogs.

  9. you shoukd try to get him to goin some type ofschool sport or join a club at school becuase that can really help him to get to know people.

  10. Don't worry, I'm sure he is just fine. Maybe he has made online friends? But I wouldn't let it worry you to much sounds like my husband when he was younger and he is perfectly fine. (infact still playing the video games!! lol) Maybe ask him if theres any activities he'd like to join? That way he could meet kids with a common interest?

  11. buy him s**y clothes like american eagle ..hollister...etc plaid shorts polo WITH A MATCHING T shirt under it. get him a hair cut like buzzed or get it flippy NO GLASSES and get him a tan and if he is fat get him a gym member ship if he has pimples get him proactive TA DA!

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