
How can I help my 20-month-old toddler fall asleep at night?

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She was falling asleep just fine on her own up until about a month ago. We think she's just suddenly aware that there's life after 7:30 p.m. and wants to be part of the action. We've tried a few things like putting her to bed later, staying in the room with her, rocking her to sleep -- but nothing works.




  1. KEEP HER IN BED!!! A lot of parents get their children up out of bed when they cry and then then child realizes that when they cry mom and dad will come and get them. She's probably trying to get out of going to bed. Put a baby gate across her doorway and let her stay in her room. I promise she will eventually fall asleep and if you keep it up she will understand bed time means bed time.

    Good luck

  2. My best bet would be to wear her out. Play with her, take a walk to the park and let her run around and get all that energy out because that might be keeping her up at night.  

  3. This happened to my son and we finally figured that if we do something he really enjoys right before he needs to go to bed, he is fine going to sleep.  For example right now he really enjoys trains so we tell him "we're going to go see the train now, let's get in the truck" as soon as he sees it, he lets himself fall asleep.  We had to explain to him beforehand that when we go see the train we need to go to bed.  Also try to get her tired during the day by taking her outside to run around and not letting her nap, maybe she's just not tired.  

  4. Well go to the doctor cause something might be wrong. something might have come into her brain and now she is scared or confused

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