
How can I help my ball puthon shed?

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Two days ago I attempted to feed my ball pyhton. She usually eats within 10 to 15 minutes but this time she showed no interest in the mouse. When i took a closer look at her I noticed that she is dull in color and her eyes are cloudy. I know that this means she is entering the shedding process. I read that it's best not to offer a python food at this time but am not sure why. I don't know what I can do to help her shed completely. I also don't know how long this process takes. Also, is it okay to handle her, or is it best to leave her alone at this time?




  1. Hi there!

    Well, you're right that it is not a good time to feed her. Ball pythons usually take a week to finish the whole process so just give her some time. If you want her to shed whole then you just have to soak her in water. So just put her in the tub or the sink for a while(with warm water). That's what I do with my ball pythons. You can hold her if you want but the chances of being bit will increase because she can't really see you and might think you're food.  But when it comes to owning pets, you will always have the risk of being bit. I wouldn't recommend holding her often though. Maybe once every 2 days. And as for shedding, she will usually shed over night and by the next morning you will find some skin in the tank.

    I hope I could help a little bit!

    Good luck!

  2. They just don't want the mouse because its just natural.....if you want to know how to help her shed when her eyes go back from the blue tent to clear again but she still hasn't shed put her in some warm bath water and the shedding will come off really easy and it saves you about 5 days

  3. Make sure your cage is at the right humidity, and I agree about soaking in the water. You can also get this stuff called Shed Ease to put in the water to help aid in the process.

  4. The clouded eyes indicate that it is at the end of the shedding process, not the beginning. It's important to recognize when your snake is actually entering the shedding process so you can make sure you bump up your humidity as needed.

    Low humidity is the primary reason for any snake not shedding properly. It should be around 65 to 75% for a ball python from the time their belly starts to turn pink until the process is 100% complete.

    If she needs help soak her in a tub of luke warm water for about 20 minutes. It should only be about 1/3 of her height deep (so barely any water at all). Put her in there with a clean wash cloth and put her in her tank over the heater. After the time is up have her crawl through your hands across the washcloth. Might take a few times of doing this (1x per day)

    As far as feeding that's up to the snake. If you offer and it doesn't eat don't sweat it.

    Handle as needed, but don't go overboard.
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