
How can I help my brother?

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My situation is a little frustrating for me. My brother is basically addicted to this online game. He never gets off of it and he is on it the second he wakes up to the second he sleeps. He has no life practically! And he doesn't have an interest in anything besides the computer. My dad makes the internet go off every once in a while to make time on the computer way less, but it isn't that much of a help. He doesn't do well in school either because he's always on that game!! I get worried that he won't change and not get into college or be like this the rest of his life! Do you have any ideas to help me?! I would appreciate it soooo much! Thanks!




  1. Have you spoken to your brother about your worries?  How about to your parents?  I think it's great that you are so aware and so concerned, but I don't know how you can help by yourself.  Have you invited your brother to do things with you?

    I think that you need to tell him how his behavior worries you. Maybe have some actual facts, like "You were on the game from 9 AM to 6 PM on Saturday. Did you realize that?"

    Your parents might need to intervene and help him to branch out a little.

    Good luck!

  2. He'll probably grow out of it... my brother is kind of the same way. Or he at least used to be until his friends agreed that it was stupid.

  3. how old is your brother?

    if you're older than him then i would just lock his favorite sites or password protect all the computers and let him go on an hour or 2 and help him with his school work and stuff. it's tough love you have to be cruel to be kind and in the long run he will respect you for it.

  4. I think that your genuine concern for your brother is mature and admirable.  However, you should be focusing on yourself.  Despite your efforts, your Dad's efforts- your brother has retreated into a world of his own.  His addiction to the online game is no different than any other addiction.  It appears to consume him.  Talking to him will not be effective as what you have to say to him is NOT of any significance to him.  Unless you are involved in his addiction, you are of little importance to him.  I am so sorry I cannot give you a solution.  If indeed, this game dominates his life and is having an adverse effect on school and any kind of normal social life, your brother (as well as the entire family) does need to seek outside intervention.  Do not allow people to convince you that it is simply a phase and he will grow out of it.  He may grow out of that particular game, but chances are- he will replace it with yet a different addiction.  You are far too young to take on the responsibility of your younger brother.  That is the role of a parent, not a sibling.  Best of Luck to you, your brother, and your family.

  5. before he goes to bed, try talking to him,

    try explaining you miss hanging out with him,

    or you miss seeing him withh friends,

    try asking him to go out to lunch, or somewhere that he

    is interested in,

    make sure you also say, how about 4 hours on the computer,

    then try dropping it by the month to 3, then 2.

    hope this helps! :)

  6.   i gonna assume that this game is either runescape or world or warcraft they are sooo stupid I know. It's just a phase and usually passes Make the game stupid to him try and make him see it as boring things to do!

  7. I don't know how old your brother is but your dad needs to get on him and let him know it's okay to be into his game but that important things should come first. The decisions he makes now will to a certain extent affect his future. It takes a certain perspective to be successful in all things and if that's what he wants there's no better time to start practicing than now. If he waits til the last minute it may overwhelm him and make things complicated for him along the way throughout life. If he want's a family of his own one day it's gonna take alot to properly care for them.

    And you should know your care for your brother is very honorable. Just make sure you get your stuff done first.

  8. i would say just block it or have a parent block it.  or have your parents set time limits so that the computer can only be turned on dring a certain time period

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