
How can I help my friend and his mom's relationship without seeming like someone who cant mind their business?

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My boyfriend and his mom, completely DO NOT get a long. She is to harsh of a mother and because she is she pushes him to break the rules. They both do not respect each other and thus do not trust one another. They are constantly fighting, and she just does not know how to parent and it really makes me angry. So how can I kindly and respectfully help this relationship without hurting either one of them or butting in too much.




  1. Guest32969

    I broke up with my ex about a month and a week ago. We were going out for 4 months before hand. We are both college students had great chemistry, same major, shared same dreams, we were perfect for each. However, School and my work routine got more intense and I was not able to spend time with him. I had my slips and falls and was not attentive of him like I should have. He started treating me indifferent and a lot of little things about me bothered him. I woke up every day hoping things would be different, I tried my hardest but it seems he didn’t care about me anymore. Two weeks after school ended he broke up with me saying that he always found little things that made him frustrated with me and he didn’t know why and that he didn’t love me. Even though we never got to the stage we said it to each other. I acknowledge what he said and didn’t say anything back. However a day later I wrote him something expressing how I felt that I was sorry and was willing to work hard because I cared about him. He however answered that he didn’t think we should give it another shot. After that I had no contact with him for almost a full month . I order love spell from this website  and my husband change. He became good, nice person and he loved me again. I’m very happy about that.

  2. don't mind your business. you shouldn't just do nothing because this can turn into a dangerous situation. first, sit them down and question each other why they don't have respect and everything else. find the answer and root of every problem they have. if that doesn't work, you should call some teen hotlines that specialize in these situations, research the internet. it might be a lot of work but its worth it if you care about your boyfriend that much.

  3. i dont think their is a way you will have to hurt one of them but it would be worth it cuz then their relationship will get better and they will know its because of you so just go with your instinct everything will work out

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