
How can I help my husband get in touch with his feelings?

by Guest65102  |  earlier

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I can sometimes see him holding back what he really wants to say. I'm a "tell it like it is" kind of person, myself. But he isn't so much. He's gotten much better since I have told him my observation. But I just didn't know if there are any easier, or helpful pointers people could give me to help him out. Or even to help me help him out. I want to make him feel more comfortable coming to me with whatever




  1. Men and feelings don't mix.

    You must be young.

  2. has he been traumatized in some way?  the reason i ask this is because this is an observation you have made.  he may not realize he is in trouble.  can you be more specific in your question?

  3. Ok, you don't wan to do that. Trust me I have always been a really gentleman kind of guy, bu tmy ex wife thought that if I became sensitive I would be perfect. So I became a really sensitive guy, the problem is that I became extremely sensitive. Now that we are divorcing I cry when I hear love songs, when I see movies, when I'm dtriving and I think about her. I even cry when I'm alone. It has been a year since we separated and I for the past two weeks and can not stop crying ( I cry 24/7).

    Now I'm so sensitive & emotionall I'm afraid I will scare off any woman that I grow an interest in, If you really love him you will leave him the way he is.

  4. May I suggest alcohol.

  5. Sorry, he's a man and we don't do well getting in touch with our feelings.  

  6. this question leaves both you and him wide open - I always say tell it like it is and if he does that, his true feelings should come out

  7. boot him in the balls he will cry 4 the first time in years

  8. Feelings for what?

  9. Explain the benefits to him should he decide to try and change his behavior.

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