
How can I help my kitten with her limp until the vet is open tomorrow?

by  |  earlier

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I bought her yesterday and today I began to notice her limping on her front right paw. She's eating and drinking water normally and she'll even play with her brother a little bit, but when she walks with a little limp and all she does is lay around and she's not very active for a 8 week old kitten. What should I do for her until I see the vet tomorrow?




  1. What I would do is make a nice comfy bed and lay her down on it. I would also give her a few cat treats (can be purchased at your local pet store) I would try to keep her out of places she can get hurt. But for now keep her in a nice comfy bed and give her treats. Then the next day call the vet right away.

    Hope this helps!!

    Have any more cat questions?? Feel free to e-mail me!

  2. I agree.. do not let her run all over the place.

    You never can be sure what the extent of her injuries are until you visit the vet.

    keep her hydrated and warm

  3. try to feel her paw to see if its broken or swollen and compare it will her other one, see if she meows when you put a little pressure on it, examine the claws  she might have a hang nail see if she has anything cuts between her toes.  keep her off her feet and play with her while she is lying down to keep off her paw and less stressed

  4. I would try to keep her confined so that she doesn't further injure herself. minimal activity until the vet opens.

  5. Go to a store and pick up some wound wrap and wrap around her leg just to be on the safe side. Don't want your new kitten to injure herself even more

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