
How can I help my little sister???

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My sister is 14 and yestersay she told me that she believes she has some sort of psycological syndrome named Asbergers. Now, this girl is a very creative person with a very large vocabulary and writes exceptionnally well. She says this is attributes of the syndrome.

Then she said she had problems focusing at school:having delays when she is told to so something. She says its hard for her to make friends because she cant stop talking about her self in the conversation and she cant interpret their gestures or emotions. She says she cant focus on anything too much.

My family feels like she is overreacting her entire problem..but she keeps insisting on seeing a doctor. But I know all that doctor is going to do is put her on meds, and I would never let that happen, because I have seen others take pills for their "syndromes"and they only get worse(side effects??)

Next week monday is the first day of her freshman year of high school and my senior year of high school. I want to make her as comfortable and try to show her she can succeed without resorting to therapy.

We dont have the money to get a therapist. And I feel she is blowing it out of proportion because she couldnt focus then how did she pass the 8th grade. She says people call her wierd b/c she tends to say random things....She says she doesnt look people in the eye,but I dont understand how she can look her family members in the eyes(so why not other people?)

Right now,she is angry.




  1. you should take her to be diagnosed. high school will be h**l for her if it's true, and ur doctor might not put her on meds. also, asbergers syndrome wouldn't prevent her from passing 8th grade. it's great that ur sis is saying this, and she might not be over-reacting.

  2. Asbergers is when someone tells you a joke, then you laugh like 5 seconds later. It was on made and a guy that had it you should have her watch it if you think she has it. It just takes longer for them to comprehend or get what other people are saying. Shes not retarded or weird. Its fixable if you work at it.

    Good luck!

  3. Do some research on Asberger's, then point out the positives of the disease to her. Help her focus on the good things she does, well.

    Since she writes well, have her journal. It may help her to get her feelings down on paper, plus if she does get some therapy some day, she can use that journal as a reference with the therapist. (By the way, have your parents check with their health insurance company. They may have coverage for it)

    She's probably angry because no one seems to be taking her seriously. And she may not have the disease and be blowing everything out of proportion because she is nervous about starting her Freshman year. But if you treat her like you believe her, it may help her out a lot.

  4. The school couselors should be knowledgable on Asbergers in her age group.  She can go to them herself and ask how to be evaluated.  At the very least, they can secure some literature for her.

  5. I am a teacher and last year I had a boy in my class with Aspergers.  He was very sweet and funny, however he took things very literally and making friends was difficult for him because he had trouble relating with the other kids and in social situations.  He was VERY bright, the highest in my class in math, science, history, etc...he memorized very easily!  I don't remembering them telling me that he was taking anything for it!  I would recommend looking at a few websites to help understand it better.

    Good luck, I'm sure she will do great!

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