He'll be 5 in October. Due to financial reasons, we were not able to get him into T-ball this year (hopefully, next year).
He is a left hander. Who, or what makes people become pitchers or batters? I've never played for real. I don't know how average, or good 5 year olds throw balls, but he can get the ball into my glove most of the time. Is that good?
He hasn't been able to hit a ball coming at him yet, but that may be to my inconsistencies of throwing the ball. Since he's been practicing, I think I've been getting better about throwing and catching.
He has been really good about catching balls that are rolling on the ground. He'll shuffle quick and get it. Needs major practice catching a ball that is in the air.
What can I do to help him? Yeah, I'm his mom. His dad is not really athletic, and is at work the majority of the time. I have a daughter that I don't know what to do with sports wise lol.