
How can I help protect the environment without my parents help?

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I'm 15 and live with my parents. they don't really care about the environment- I mean, we have those spirally light bulbs because of the money they save and bike as much as possible to save gas, but we don't recycle or anything. I've asked them befor and they say they just don't care,but I do. and I'm not allowed to tell them to or try to persuade them.

please help!!

thank you!!




  1. I had to deal with the same thing, but truth is, it's not that hard.  its as easy as recycling as much as you can, and shortly your committment will prove to your parents that you're serious of the change you want to make, and will follow suit.  A few things you can do on your own are:

    -recycle (plastics & cans, possibly for money) cuz money is always motivating for those who need it (motivation)

    -taking shorter showers

    -using less electronics (entertainment yourself with a book)

    -start a compost bin (it lessens the size of landfills)

    * Your main goal is to reuse as many materials as you can, and lessen the amount of trash in your garbage bins.

    you can read more about compost bins online if you wish to start one.

  2. You can do few things.. Like, take shorter bath to save water. In your room don't leave electrical appliances on all the time. Don't use plastic bags and things like that. For some more ideas watch this video.

  3. Just do your thing and understand that they do what they understand and you'd be surprised, they may change a little.  I lived with my parents and I started recycling and my dad hated it because it was trashy to him and lo and behold he started recycling and he starts on me now whenever he visits my house and things are piled up!!!

  4. Try not to pollute atmosphere. It would be better if you promote planting of trees and keep surrounding green. You may try refering blog for further detail -  


  5. You are just wonderful.  I like your attitude Lily, just love it.  If everyone does his part to save the environment, clean and healthy nature will return with in no time.  Please grow plants and also, try to grow some plants which will become big trees one day.  Use less hot water, electricity - energy i mean.  And you already know rest of recycling and stuff.. make gardening your hobby and see our little friends blossom and grow.

  6. pick up trash and conseve engey and dont keep lights on and dont wast paper

  7. Everyone has already given some great tips! Have you checked to see if your school has an environmental club? If not maybe you can look into starting one or if there is something similar, I'm  sure there is a lot of interest among friends and peers if you start asking. You can organize clean-ups whether it is with an organization or just a small group of friends - especially around the spring time there is a lot of "misplaced" trash all along hiking trails, parks and a lot of public areas. I would also keep an eye out for different community organizations that look for volunteers to plant trees or work in conservation areas just for an afternoon.

    Good luck!

  8. If your parents are interested in saving money, would they consider doing things to cut heating costs like adding insullation to your home?

  9. Just don't worry u can start protecting the env  without much help from ur parents u can plant more trees in the vicinity of ur home if there is no space in thefront of ur house plant it in the locality garden but remember to take full care of these . Also u can stop using plastic things.

    Avoid more use of motorcycles .

    Make ur group within ur friend circle who also have the same enthusiasm for the env and try to make the people within ur homes more concern about the Earth

    Start just from ur home

  10. Interesting that they like saving money since a lot of what's ecologically smart can be expressed in those terms.  These days any kind of metal is worth money at a scrap dealer, as of course are deposit cans.  One fun way to recycle is to compost all your yard and kitchen waste - while saving money on fertilizer for the garden and lawn.  Using some kind of bin, box or can is fine, but so is just making a pile on the ground in an out of the way place.  You can do a lot of recycling even if they don't join in.  "Take ownership."  Make it your job.  They'll be so impressed by your hardwork that they'll have to think twice.

    As for advice for you I'd say don't ever ask to put the heat up or the air conditioning down.  Put on a jacket when it's cool, and when it's hot let your body get used to it and you'll be more comfortable in time.

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