
How can I help stop global warming?

by Guest65831  |  earlier

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I read about it and I want to help. I can't drive yet but I feel there has to be something I can do. I try to recylce as much as I can. I just don't know what can be more effective.




  1. You can't.  The Earth will warm or cool in cycles as it always has...... and always will.  Don't let pitchmen like Al Gore convince you otherwise.....his agenda is NOT for the good of mankind!

  2. stop using the thinds which cause polution

  3. Become God.

    lol...moserckn said give up your computer, what do you think he used to type his response.  I sure hope he changes his lifestyle quickly so we don't have to read any more of his posts.

  4. You can't. None of us can. It will continue until natural factors reverse the effects. Unless you want to throw a huge cloud of soot into the air, partially blocking out the sun and cause a small "global cooling" effect.  Why are some humans so arrogant that they believe they're powerful enough to affect global climate? To quote many, many meteorlogists, "Mother Nature can be a *****"

    I do applaud your non-AGW conservation efforts though.

  5. Wait 2-3 years and it will have gone away.

  6. It will require a large movement for this to be more plausible.  1 person can only do so much.  Even if it is as apocalyptic as many say it is.  It is almost impossible to stop climate change.

  7. there is more we all can do!

    Save electricity, switch off the fans and lights when you dont need them.

    Use energy saving bulbs

    start using  eco friendly products and so much more!

  8. You can't this is the way it's been from the start of time Cooling ,warming ,cooling ,then warming. Please look at all of history not jest what the greens tell you and you will find the TRUTH.

  9. That's good, because your generation is the one that will have to deal with the issue the most.  What you can do is basic good stewardship of natural resources.  Don't be wasteful of energy and raw materials that require energy to obtain.

    Take as much science and mathematics as you can in school, because those of the skills needed to understand and solve the environmental problems (including global warming) we face.

  10. Stop Flatulating

  11. Personally I think that there is no global warming.

    The Earth goes through things kind of like seasons. But it takes MUCH longer. But specialist say that accounting on the earth's age, it's just about time for it to warm up. So really there's nothing you can do to help something that doesn't exist. But that doesn't mean that what your doing to help isn't helping anything. The recycling thing is something I do a LOT. Because rain forest are being cut down so rapidly, lots of animals are losing homes and dying. Especially the orangutans. With how fast their population is dropping, they are in-dangered of being extincted with in ten years!!!

  12. You want to do the Earth a big favor?  How about, don't drive when you are old enough?  You don't NEED to drive.  You could ride a bike to school, work, or the mall.  Yeah, you may have to schedule a longer commute time but as long as your saving the planet right?  To tell you the truth man, nobody is actually saving the planet until the have enough balls to say, "to @#$% with this lifestyle, I am going to live like the Native Americans."

    People don't realize that they don't need a computer, TV or a radio.  All you need is food, water, and warmth.  If you live like the hunter/gather then your needs are met.  People might think that is a crazy idea, but they also think our environmental problems started when the industrial revolution began.  So in order to fix our problems we must go back to pre-industrial times.  No electronics, cars, plastics, light bulbs, vaccinations, medicine, good shoes, or any other modern convenience that I have left out.  

    It is one thing to say, "I am going to reduce my lifestyle and hopefully change something."  It is completely different to say: "I am going to totally alter my life and bring about a radical change."  People cry for radical change or a means to be more effective, but they know in their hearts they don't have enough courage to completely abandon what they know, love, and utterly depend on for survival.

    When you are ready to really change as I have stated, then you will be truly effective in environmental causes.

  13. PARIS (AFP) - Don't eat meat, ride a bike, and be a frugal shopper -- that's how you can help brake global warming, the head of the United Nation's Nobel Prize-winning scientific panel on climate change said Tuesday.

    There are many simple things you can do in your daily life — what you eat, what you drive, how you build your home — that can have an effect on your immediate surrounding, and on places as far away as Antactica. Here is a list of few things that you can do to make a difference.

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