
How can I help the world in any way?

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for example recycling,giving to charity money and my time helping to fight crime please help! x




  1. Volunteer, no where specific just anywhere, many organizations are short on volunteers, it will make a huge impact and it can actually be fun and make you feel good.

  2. Well, you could recycle all cans, paper, bottles, used batteries, even paint! Many people do not realize what all is recycable. You can also start a compost pile for old food and yard waste. This is a great fertlizer for your garden or flowerbeds. Just don't put meat in it. Also remeber to reduce and reuse. Never drinking out of the plastic bottle is even better than recycling it.

    There are many charities you can donate money to. You can hardly walk into a Wal-Mart without seeing a donation box!

    Also, you can help animals by volunteering your time, money and effort at a shelter. Paying for some of the spaying and neutering, adopting an animal, dropping off supplies, donating money or spending time with the animals are all greatly appreciated!

    Go to your local nursing home and ask about something you can do for the patients. I used to call bingo numbers every Tuesday night and help some of them read their cards if they couldn't. You can also read to them, talk to them or write letters for them. Many of the eldery in nursing homes don't get many visitors. See if they will tell you one that doesn't get a lot of visitors. You could really make their day just by being there.

    You can also go to shelters for women and children and visit with the kids. They really like it! I once made gift bags for all of them filled with books, toys, stuffed animals and toothbrushes.

    Hope you can find a way to make a big difference in your community!

  3. why not volunteer fo a local charity like saint vinnies or the salvos

  4. Whats the point, 1 person isn't going to make a difference to the world. It's the governments and stuff, stop people chopping down trees and get every1 to recycle, stop people littering, don't use cars, don't use electricity, gas and stuff that will help, but no1 can live without it. -.-

  5. You just do what you can. Mother Teresa once said, if you can't feed a hundred people then feed just the one..

    Little by little becomes great.

  6. The fighting crime thing is probably out unless you join the police force.  

    What I would say is be sure you aren't causing any problems, rather than trying to solve problems caused by others.  If everyone did that, we'd be in good shape.

  7. well like yeah

    recycling make people more aware.

    i think by helping the world you should aim to stop the hole in the ozone.

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