
How can I help this belly button piercing heal well ?

by  |  earlier

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my belly button is in the healing process and still crusting, so is it okay for me to put vaseline on the dry crusty part around the hole? i dont know, because i heard it can clog it from getting air or something & it may not be a good idea. what about body oil?




  1. Neosporin is better the vasoline and oil.

  2. i would use ocean potion. you can buy it at piercing places and stores like hot topic. it is the best thing i have ever used.

  3. NO vaseline or body oil. Bacteria just grow and THRIVE in that stuff. Gentle wash with antibacterial soap and water, try this in the shower anduse neosporin..  

  4. Even though a lot of people are saying use Neosporin.. PLEASE DON'T! Neosporin will make it worse..please read below

    Please don't use vaseline on it! Petroleum is not good for you and it will make your piercing worse! Body oil is a no-no either, seeing as it will clog it and make it infected. If you follow these directions, your piercing will be healthy and happy.

    Cleaning Your New Piercing

    Before you do anything… WASH YOUR HANDS!!! You should never handle a fresh piercing with dirty hands.

    Soak your piercing with some warm water to loosen any dry lymph around the jewelry, do not pick at any ‘crusties’.

    Wash your piercing twice a day (morning and night) with an unscented, non-antibacterial soap. We recommend Dr. Bronners Baby Mild Castile soap.

    Apply a small amount of soap to the end of a q-tip and clean the exposed part of the jewellery on each end, then rinse well with clean water to ensure there is no soap left in or around the piercing.

    If you think you got your piercing dirty throughout the day (you work out or went swimming… etc) it is more than ok to clean a piercing a third time a day, just make sure you give it a good rinse afterwards.

    When I got my bellybutton pierced I used sea- salt soaks. I would put hot water and sea salt in a cup and place it against my bellybutton while standing. I would then lie down with the cup over the piercing and let me tell you, it really helps!

    Sea Salt Soaks

    Non-Iodized Sea Salts help promote healing while reducing irritation. Other salts (table salt, Epsom salt) can contain extra chemicals which may irritate your new piercing. We recommend Dead Sea Salts which contain extra minerals to aid your healing.

    Add a 1/4 teaspoon of Sea Salt to a cup of hot water, allow it to cool so you don’t burn yourself and soak the piercing for 20-30 minutes. Use a hot compress (cotton ball or gauze pad) if you cannot fully submerge the piercing.

    Sea Salt Soaks are excellent for a new and healing piercing but it is important you don’t overuse them. Only soak your piercing 2-3 times a week, unless recommended otherwise by your piercer. Overusing the soaks can dry out your skin and the piercing.

    Sea salt rinses for an oral piercing: Add 1/4 teaspoon Sea Salt to 1 cup hot water, let it cool and use as an oral rinse for as long as you can stand (2 - 5 min)

    Things to avoid:

    Rubbing alcohol and Hydrogen peroxide are way too strong to be using on a fresh piercing, they will kill the new skin cells your body needs to form in order to create scar tissue and will slow down healing.

    Polysporin and Neosporin are petroleum based products which your body cannot break down. They create a waterproof seal over the piercing which traps bacteria inside the piercing.

    Perfumed, dyed, or cream soaps,. Scents and dyes can be quite irritating to a new piercing and can cause reactions.

    Band-aids create warm, wet, dark places perfect for bacteria to thrive in. You may as well put up a big vacancy sign welcoming bacteria in!

    Make-up and Hair products

    Alcoholic mouthwashes like Listerine or Scope. Just like rubbing alcohol will irritate a fresh piercing, alcoholic mouthwashes will prolong the healing time on your new oral piercing.

    Non-Alcohol Based Mouthwashes contain chemicals (i.e. thymol) that affect healthy bacteria and burn (dermo-caustic) after repeated use.

    Well meaning people who contradict the information given by NEXT! Piercing staff and this aftercare brochure.

    Hot tubs and pools. For the first few weeks you’ll want to stay out of chlorinated water as it will irritate your piercing. If it can’t be avoided make sure to clean the piercing thoroughly afterwards.

    Last but not least, many people will try to give you advice that is incorrect. Even though they mean well, please don't listen to them! I have had 6 piercings and all of them have healed beautifully. Good luck!

  5. you shouldnt use any kind of cream because they harbor bacteria, which will make it more likely to get infected. when i got mine done i cleaned it twice a day with bactine and with dial unscented anti bacterial soap in the shower. you can use saline in between cleanings if you need to. hope this helps =]

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